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Bruno Piedboeuf

Médecin clinicien enseignant titulaire

Bruno Piedboeuf
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval
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Contribution à la recherche

Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :

Santé et bien-être durables

Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :

Reproduction, génétique, périnatalité et développement
Santé des populations et pratiques optimales en santé

Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :

Santé de la mère, des enfants et des adolescents
  • Pathologies du nouveau-né
  • Anomalies congénitales
  • Anomalies de la croissance intra-utérine
Santé différentielle des sexes
Services de santé
  • Soins hospitaliers
  • Services de santé

Projets de recherche

  • RareKids-CAN: Pediatric Clinical Trials and Treatment Network [Proposal and accompanying Appendix ] - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Réseau catalyseur de la recherche : maladies rares, University of Calgary, co-chercheur - 2024-04-01 au 2029-05-31
  • Usage du cannabis et ses effets sur le déroulement et l'issue de la grossesse, la santé et le développement de l'enfant d'âge préscolaire - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2023-04-01 au 2028-03-31
  • Respiratory management of extremely preterm neonates: Evidence generation and implementation by comparative effectiveness research (CER) using real world data (RWD) from a practice-based research network (PBRN) - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement, University of Toronto, co-chercheur - 2019-01-01 au 2023-03-31
  • COVIGRO : Impact de la COVID-19 et du vaccin contre SARS-CoV-2 sur le développement placentaire et foetal - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement:Nouveaux besoins prioritaires en recherche sur la COVID-19, co-chercheur - 2021-12-01 au 2022-11-30
  • Maternal Omega-3 supplementation to reduce Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in very Preterm Infants : A Randomized controlled trial (MOBYDIck trial). - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement, co-chercheur - 2014-07-01 au 2021-07-31
  • Processus d'aide à la décision, gestion du risque obstétrical et du mode d'accouchement après césarienne au Québec (PRISMA). - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement, co-chercheur - 2015-07-01 au 2020-06-30


  • Differences in correlation of mRNA gene expression in mice sensitive and resistant to radiation-induced pulmonary fibrosis, Finkelstein, J.N., Rubin, P., Baggs, R., Piedboeuf, B., Johnston, C.J., Radiation Research, 1995, 10.2307/3579029
  • Predictors of Severe Neurologic Injury on Ultrasound Scan of the Head and Risk Factor-based Screening for Infants Born Preterm, Lee, S.K., Kajetanowicz, A., Afifi, J., Emberley, J., Monterrosa, L., Ojah, C., Makary, H., Canning, R., Masse, E., Bertelle, V., Claveau, M., Piedboeuf, B., Drolet, C., Lapoint, A., Barrington, K., Pelausa, E., Dow, K., Dunn, M., Lee, K.-S., Nwaesei, C., Da Silva, O., Mukerji, A., Alvaro, R., Seshia, M., Daspal, S., Sankaran, K., Kalapesi, Z., Fajardo, C., Toye, J., Yee, W., Sherlock, R., Cieslak, Z., Ting, J., Kanungo, J., Shah, P.S., Guillot, M., Ng, E.H., Narvey, M., Martel-Bucci, A., Shalish, W., Lemyre, B., Wintermark, P., Beltempo, M., Journal of Pediatrics, 2019, 10.1016/j.jpeds.2019.06.065
  • Relationship of mode of conception and sex concordance with mortality/morbidity in preterm twins., Canadian Neonatal Network, Shah PS, Lee SK, Shah V, Bassil KL, Paterson AD, Yang J, Mirea L, Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies, 2013, 10.1017/thg.2013.61
  • Outborns or Inborns: Where Are the Differences? A Comparison Study of Very Preterm Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Infants Cared for in Australia and New Zealand and in Canada., Australian and New Zealand Neonatal Network, Canadian Neonatal Network, Lui K, Lee SK, Darlow BA, Ye XY, Shah PS, Hossain S, Neonatology, 2015, 10.1159/000441272
  • Efficacy of minimally invasive surfactant therapy in moderate and late preterm infants: A multicentre randomized control trial, Piedboeuf, B., Caouette, G., Ali, N., Massé, E., Julien, A.-S., Bélanger, S., Nadeau, S., Olivier, F., Paediatrics and Child Health (Canada), 2017, 10.1093/pch/pxx033
  • Total parenteral nutrition in the newborn infant: energy substrates and respiratory gas exchange., Lavoie JC, Pineault M, Hazan J, Chessex P, Piedboeuf B, The Journal of pediatrics, 1991, 10.1016/s0022-3476(05)81857-8
  • Early and persistent alterations in the expression of interleukin-1α, lnterleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor a mRNA levels in fibrosis-resistant and sensitive mice after thoracic irradiation, Finkelstein, J.N., Baggs, R., Williams, J.P., Rubin, P., Piedboeuf, B., Johnston, C.J., Radiation Research, 1996, 10.2307/3579368
  • Sustained quality improvement in outcomes of preterm neonates with a gestational age less than 29 weeks: Results from the Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality Phase 31, Ye, X.Y., Lee, S.K., Yee, W.H., Piedboeuf, B., Synnes, A., Lemyre, B., Amaral, N., Ulrich, C., Mohammad, K., Ng, E., Mukerji, A., Deshpandey, A., Shah, V., Aziz, K., Dunn, M., Shah, P.S., Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2019, 10.1139/cjpp-2018-0439
  • Lung function in lambs with diaphragmatic hernia after reversible fetal tracheal occlusion, Piedboeuf, B., Faucher, D., Kovacs, L., Laberge, J.-M., Flageole, H., Bratu, I., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2004, 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2004.06.024
  • Association between apnea of prematurity and respiratory distress syndrome in late preterm infants: An observational study, Piedboeuf, B., Caouette, G., Nadeau, S., Olivier, F., Frontiers in Pediatrics, 2016, 10.3389/fped.2016.00105
  • Apoptosis: A target for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) intervention, Horowitz, S., Fein, A.M., Rhodes, G.C., Hall, S., Piedboeuf, B., Palaia, T.A., Xu, J., Kazzaz, J.A., Mantell, L., Chest, 1996
  • Vaginal Fluid Inflammatory Biomarkers and the Risk of Adverse Neonatal Outcomes in Women with PPROM, Bujold, E., Piedboeuf, B., Gouin, K., Laforest, G., Demers, S., Tétu, A., Morin, V., Dorfeuille, N., American Journal of Perinatology, 2016, 10.1055/s-0036-1582130
  • Effect of Magnesium Sulphate on Fetal Heart Rate Parameters: A Systematic Review, Young, C., Whittle, W., Walker, M., Piedboeuf, B., Bujold, E., Audibert, F., Allen, V., Liston, R., Joseph, K.S., Brant, R., Ansermino, M., Magee, L.A., Crane, J., Synnes, A.R., Sawchuck, D., von Dadelszen, P., De Silva, D.A., Nensi, A., Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 2014, 10.1016/S1701-2163(15)30382-0
  • Neonatal Outcomes in Very Preterm Infants With Severe Congenital Heart Defects: An International Cohort Study., International Network for Evaluation of Outcomes in Neonates (iNeo) Investigators* †, Shah PS, Yang J, Lui K, Lee S, Rusconi F, Isayama T, Bassler D, Adams M, Darlow BA, Reichman B, Lehtonen L, Vento M, Kusuda S, Håkansson S, Norman M, Journal of the American Heart Association, 2020, 10.1161/jaha.119.015369
  • Surfactant levels after reversible tracheal occlusion and prenatal steroids in experimental diaphragmatic hernia, Piedboeuf, B., Khalife, S., Kay, S., Harbottle, R., Possmayer, F., Laberge, J.-M., Flageole, H., Bratu, I., Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2001, 10.1053/jpsu.2001.20027
  • Identification of cellular processes that are rapidly modulated in response to tracheal occlusion within mice lungs, Piedboeuf, B., Khan, P.A., Moulin, V., Dinel, S., Maltais, F., Tremblay, M.G., Cloutier, M., St-Amand, J., Seaborn, T., Pediatric Research, 2008, 10.1203/PDR.0b013e31815eba47
  • Comparison of singleton and multiple-birth outcomes of infants born at or before 32 weeks of gestation, Canning, R., Piedboeuf, B., Tan, K., Lee, S.K., Qiu, X., Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2008, 10.1097/AOG.0b013e318162688f
  • In Vivo Expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 in Type II Pneumocytes during Hyperoxia, Horowitz, S., Kazzaz, J.A., Welty, S.E., Petrov, P., Frenette, J., Piedboeuf, B., American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 1996, 10.1165/ajrcmb.15.1.8679224
  • Effect of temporary tracheal occlusion on the endothelin system in experimental cases of diaphragmatic hernia, Laberge, J.-M., Flageole, H., Bratu, I., Piedboeuf, B., Seaborn, T., Cloutier, M., Experimental Lung Research, 2005, 10.1080/019021490927079
  • Neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy treated with hypothermia: Observations in a large Canadian population and determinants of death and/or brain injury., Canadian Neonatal Network , Wintermark P, Shah PS, Mohammad K, Barrington KJ, Yoon EW, Claveau M, Xu EH, Journal of neonatal-perinatal medicine, 2020, 10.3233/npm-190368
  • The Canadian Perinatal Network: A National Network Focused on Threatened Preterm Birth at 22 to 28 Weeks' Gestation, Pasquier, J.-P., McDonald, S., Olatunbosun, F., Gratton, R., Dansereau, J., Carson, G., Burym, C., Liston, R.M., Payne, B., Li, J., Lee, T., Wood, S., Whittle, W., Walker, M., Synnes, A., Smith, G., Piedboeuf, B., Lee, S.K., Joseph, K.S., Demianczuk, N., Crane, J.M.G., Bujold, E., Brant, R., Barrett, J., Audibert, F., Ansermino, J.M., Allen, V.M., von Dadelszen, P., Magee, L.A., Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 2011, 10.1016/S1701-2163(16)34795-8
  • Neonatal outcomes of preterm infants in breech presentation according to mode of birth in Canadian NICUs, Walti, H., Synnes, A., Cieslak, Z., Shivananda, S., Seshia, M., Sankaran, K., Rouvinez-Bouali, N., Faucher, D., Riley, P., Piedboeuf, B., Aziz, K., Peliowski, A., Ojah, C., Shah, P., McMillan, D.D., Da Silva, O., Kovacs, L., Kalapesi, Z., James, A., Harrison, A., Dunn, M., Dow, K., Cronin, G., Canning, R., Bullied, B., Yee, W., Barrington, K., Andrews, W., Shah, P.S., Lee, S.K., Zhu, Q., Lodha, A., Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2011, 10.1136/pgmj.2010.107532
  • Transport Risk Index of Physiologic Stability, version II (TRIPS-II): a simple and practical neonatal illness severity score., Canadian Neonatal Network, Ye XY, Ojah C, Kovacs L, Clarke M, Dunn M, Aziz K, Lee SK, American journal of perinatology, 2012, 10.1055/s-0032-1326983
  • Association of timing of birth with mortality among preterm infants born in Canada, Zwicker, J., Yee, W., Ye, P., Wood, S., Whyte, H., Wilson, D., Whittle, W., Vincer, M., Ubhi, J., Toye, J., Tough, S., Ting, J., Thériault, K., Synnes, A., Smith, G., Skoll, A., Skarsgard, E., Singhal, N., Shivananda, S., Sherlock, R., Shah, V., Shah, P.S., Seshia, M., Schneider, C., Robson, K., Reichert, A., Pullenayegum, E., Puligandla, P., Premji, S., Portales-Casamar, E., Piedboeuf, B., Pelausa, E., Pechlivanoglou, P., Pasquier, J.-C., Ouellet, A., Ojah, C., Offringa, M., O’Brien, K., Nwaesei, C., Nuyt, A.-M., Murphy, K., Murphy, L., Mundle, W., Mukerji, A., Morais, M., Monterrosa, L., Moddemann, D., Metcalfe, A., Melamed, N., McMillan, D., McDonald, S.D., Masse, E., Marc, I., Makary, H., Majnemer, A., Ly, L., Luu, T.M., Louis, D., Lodha, A., Lemyre, B., Lee, K.-S., Lacaze-Masmonteil, T., Khairy, M., Kalapesi, Z., Kajetanowicz, A., Joseph, K.S., Hicks, M., Helewa, M., Hasan, S., Harrison, A., Han, V., Gratton, R., Gagnon, R., Foster, J., Fajardo, C., El-Naggar, W., El-Chaar, D., el Helou, S., Dunn, M., Drolet, C., Dow, K., Deshpandey, A., de Cabo, C., Daspal, S., Dahlgren, L., Daboval, T., Da Silva, O., Creighton, D., Crane, J., Coughlin, K., Cieslak, Z., Church, P., Chandra, S., Chaillet, N., Carson, G., Canning, R., Butt, K., Burrows, J., Bodani, J., Bocking, A., Blais, L., Bertelle, V., Berard, A., Beltempo, M., Barrett, J., Ballantyne, M., Aziz, K., Audibert, F., Armson, A., Andrews, J., Alvaro, R., Afifi, J., Abenhaim, H., Beltempo, M., Piedboeuf, B., Abenhaim, H.A., Ye, X.Y., Makary, H., Bertelle, V., Shah, P.S., Rizzolo, A., Journal of Perinatology, 2021, 10.1038/s41372-021-01092-9
  • Outcomes of preterm infants <29 weeks gestation over 10-year period in Canada: a cause for concern?, Canadian Neonatal Network, Lee SK, Ohlsson A, Seshia M, Allen AC, Aziz K, Sankaran K, Shah PS, Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association, 2011, 10.1038/jp.2011.68
  • Benefit of antenatal corticosteroids by year of birth among preterm infants in Canada during 2003–2017: a population-based cohort study, Zwicker, J., Yee, W., Ye, P., Wood, S., Wilson, D., Whyte, H., Whittle, W., Vincer, M., Ubhi, J., Tough, S., Thériault, K., Synnes, A., Smith, G., Skoll, A., Skarsgard, E., Singhal, N., Shivananda, S., Shah, V., Schneider, C., Robson, K., Reichert, A., Pullenayegum, E., Puligandla, P., Premji, S., Portales-Casamar, E., Pechlivanoglou, P., Pasquier, J.-C., Ouellet, A., Offringa, M., O'Brien, K., Nwaesei, C., Nuyt, A.-M., Murphy, L., Mundle, W., Morais, M., Moddemann, D., Metcalfe, A., McMillan, D., Marc, I., Majnemer, A., Ly, L., Luu, M., Lodha, A., Lacaze-Masmonteil, T., Khairy, M., Joseph, K.S., Hicks, M., Helewa, M., Hasan, S., Harrison, A., Han, V., Gratton, R., Gagnon, R., Foster, J., El-Naggar, W., El-Chaar, D., el Helou, S., Dow, K., Deshpandey, A., de Cabo, C., Dahlgren, L., Daboval, T., Creighton, D., Crane, J., Coughlin, K., Church, P., Chandra, S., Chaillet, N., Carson, G., Butt, K., Burrows, J., Bocking, A., Blais, L., Berard, A., Ballantyne, M., Aziz, K., Audibert, F., Armson, A., Andrews, J., Abenhaim, H., Lee, S.K., Kajetanowicz, A., Afifi, J., Emberley, J., Monterrosa, L., Ojah, C., Makary, H., Canning, R., Masse, E., Bertelle, V., Beltempo, M., Claveau, M., Piedboeuf, B., Drolet, C., Ethier, G., Lapoint, A., Barrington, K., Pelausa, E., Khurshid, F., Lemyre, B., Dunn, M., Lee, K.-S., Adie, M., Da Silva, O., Mukerji, A., Alvaro, R., Louis, D., Seshia, M., Daspal, S., Sankaran, K., Bodani, J., Kalapesi, Z., Fajardo, C., Toye, J., Mehrem, A.A., Sherlock, R., Cieslak, Z., Ting, J., Kanungo, J., Shah, P.S., Yoon, E.W., McDonald, S.D., Asztalos, E., Barrett, J., Murphy, K., Melamed, N., BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2021, 10.1111/1471-0528.16511
  • ROCK2 is involved in accelerated fetal lung development induced by in vivo lung distension., Piedboeuf, B., Tremblay, M., Cloutier, M., Pediatric pulmonology, 2010, 10.1002/ppul.21266
  • Diagnosis and management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a clinical practice guideline, Traynor, M., Synnes, A., Ryan, G., Riley, S.P., Piedboeuf, B., Perreault, T., Pennaforte, T., Oluyomi-Obi, T., McMillan, D., Keijzer, R., Flageole, H., Dakshinamurti, S., Cogswell, A., Chiu, P., Brindle, M., Bailey, J.A.M., Baird, R., Adatia, I., Offringa, M., Skarsgard, E.D., Puligandla, P.S., CMAJ, 2018, 10.1503/cmaj.170206
  • Asphyxiated Neonates Treated with Hypothermia: Birth Place Matters, Wintermark, P., Piedboeuf, B., Lodygensky, G.A., Brown, R., Beltempo, M., Rampakakis, E., Huet, C., Sabsabi, B., American Journal of Perinatology, 2020, 10.1055/s-0040-1715823
  • C-reactive protein for late-onset sepsis diagnosis in very low birth weight infants, Piedboeuf, B., Julien, A.-S., Thibeault, R., Viel-Thériault, I., Beltempo, M., BMC Pediatrics, 2018, 10.1186/s12887-018-1002-5
  • Neonatal Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight and Very Preterm Neonates: An International Comparison, Gibson, D., Miall, L., Gibson, D., Schwarz, K., Eaton, M., Harding, D., Mannix, P., Jones, S., Pirie, S., Ratnayaka, M., Vamvakiti, K., Brennan, N., Brown, N., Groves, C., Hall, M., Khashu, M., Deketelaere, A., Wigfield, R., Sanghavi, R., Salgia, S., De Halpert, P., Shettihalli, N., Misra, I., Reynolds, P., Amess, P., Godden, C., Amess, P., Mallik, A., Whincup, G., Raman, M., Lewis, V., Munyard, P., Selter, M., McKeon-Carter, R., Garbash, M., Lal, M., Abu-Harb, M., Garbash, M., Gibson, A., Palmer, K., Mohite, A., Deshpande, S., Halahakoon, C., Gallagher, A., Simmons, P., Nycyk, J., Simmons, P., Ahmed, M., Manzoor, A., Currie, A., Currie, A., Rao, P., Zieba, K., Shephard, R., Huddy, C., Filkin, J., Chang, J., Kuna, J., Watts, T., Godambe, S., Godambe, S., Cruwys, M., Mathur, R., Thomas, M., Wilson, N., Rainer, E., Mannan, K., Alsford, L., Ali, I., Aladangady, N., Gupta, A., Watkin, S., Sommen, V., Schwarz, K., Wickham, T., Rawlingson, C., Gupta, R., Lama, M., Vasu, V., Kisat, H., Kumar, N., Soe, A., Hasib, A., Birch, J., Heal, C., Edi-Osagie, N., Moise, J., Settle, P., Panasa, N., Ogilvy-Stuart, A., Rubin, S., Babiker, S., Dyke, M., Ambadkar, P., Hassan, A., Amegavie, L., Webb, D., McBride, T., Yoxall, B., Thirumurgan, A., Rackham, O., Kefas, J., Bag, S., Bernet, V., Arlettaz, R., Bassler, D., Hegi, L., Micallef, J.P., Malzacher, A., Laubscher, B., Berger, T.M., Roth, M., Tolsa, J.-F., Pfister, R.E., Kaczala, G., Bär, W., Wagner, B., Nelle, M., Schulzke, S., Anderegg, C., Meyer, P., Smedsaas-Löfvenberg, A., Florell, R., Ohlin, A., Thorbjörnsson, L., Sjöberg, K., Hedblom, Å., Palm, A., Fredriksson, M., Normann, E., Farooqi, A., Robinson, J., Stjernstedt, B., Hertzberg, T., Broström, E.B., Hallberg, B., Thorén, A., Lund, E.-E., Kuusima-Löfbom, J., Wejryd, E., Hafström, O., Heimdahl, I., Lundberg, F., Selander, B., Albinsson, E., Thurn, P., Österdahl, L., Ingemarsson, F., Åhman, L., Ekelund, C., Kasemo, A., Engström, E., Arwehed, S., Alberg, L., Odlind, A., Brodd, K.S., Kofron, J., Iturriaga, G.S., Omaña, M.F., Marín, S., Morcillo, F., Roqués, V., Capell, J.E., Plana, A.A., de Ureta Huertas, A., Font, M.D.M.A., Ramírez, S.R., López Mendoza, S., Fuster Jorge, P.A., Ferrari Cortés, A., Díaz, C.M., Sanz, A.L., Granero Asencio, M., García González, P., Insunza, N.B., Ocampo, González, J.V., Lloreda Garcia, J.M., Alonso Gallego, J.Á., García del Río, M., Sánchez Tamayo, T., Comeche, L.D., González Armengod, C., Labian, C.M., Salas, S., Pérez Rodríguez, J., Díaz, M.F., Martín, I.L., San Miguel, M.G., Vilaplana, L.C., Ortiz Movilla, R., Martí, J.G., Solé Mir, E., Calvo, F.F., Iglesias, E.Á., García-Muñoz Rodrigo, F., González-Luis, G.E., Díez, I.E., Ruiz del Prado, M.Y., Soblechero, E.G., Garrido Ocana, A.I., Grisolía, L.P., Aldea Romero, A.E., Hurtado Suazo, J.A., Moltó Ripoll, L.F., Trujillo, A., Muñoz, M.D.H., Cabañas, J.M.G., Segura, R.T., Olmos, R.A., Martinez Gimenez, M.D., Romero, J.M., Benavente Fernández, I., Sánchez Puerta, E.V., Tardío, O., Cuesta, M.J.L., Barrio Sacristán, A.R., Montero Macarro, J.M., Álvarez, B.A., Castells Vilella, L., Cogul, E.C., Porta, R., Iriondo Sanz, M., Vives, A.M., Pujol, A.N., Moliner Calderon, E., Galiana, G.G., Anquela Sanz, I., Botet Mussons, F., Figuera Aloy, J., García López, E., Fernández Colomer, B., Fernández, A.R., Siguile, M.A.F., González Santacruz, M., Quiles Durá, J.L., Díaz, C.V., Martínez Ayúcar, M.M., Martínez Gutiérrez, A., Bermúdez, J.M.F., Seara, M.J.F., Kohama, M., Ishihara, C., Iida, K., Kawase, A., Aoki, M., Ochiai, M., Matsumoto, N., Nakamura, M., Kanda, H., Tadashi, H., Kanda, T., Nakata, Y., Akiyoshi, S., Kobayashi, S., Koyano, K., Hasegawa, K., Hayashitani, M., Fukuhara, R., Kageyama, M., Watabe, S., Kato, F., Miura, M., Okutani, T., Takahashi, Y., Yoshimoto, S., Sumi, K., Ichiba, H., Ohashi, A., Shiraishi, A., Sano, H., Kihara, M., Nakamura, K., Bonno, M., Tanaka, T., Suzuki, C., Nakazawa, Y., Ooki, S., Kono, Y., Iwai, K., Ueno, Y., Futatani, T., Numata, O., Nagayama, Y., Wada, M., Nakamura, T., Nemoto, A., Suzuki, K., Itani, Y., Seki, K., Shimizu, M., Yoda, H., Nakao, A., Miura, H., Shiraishi, M., Hosono, S., Ishii, N., Totsu, S., Sato, H., Ishiguro, R., Sobajima, H., Miyabayashi, H., Inoue, T., Kono, Y., Suzumura, H., Shimizu, J., Miyazono, Y., Sato, M., Arai, H., Takahasi, R., Kasai, T., Amizuka, T., Konishi, S., Hattori, S., Bakhrakh, L., Kohelet, D., Fleisher-Sheffer, V., Mandel, D., Golan, A., Mimouni, F., Nijim, Y., Sirota, L., Shinwell, E., Blazer, S., Litmanovitz, I., Lubin, D., Weisbrod, M., Flidel-Rimon, O., Saad, N., Feldman, M., Bar-Oz, B., Even Tov-Friedman, S., Jeryes, J., Felszer, C., Strauss, Z., Rothschild, A., Bader, D., Mimouni, F., Kushnir, A., Zangen, S., Heymann, E., Dunn, M., Ojah, C., Lee, D., da Silva, O., Canning, R., Cronin, G., Barrington, K., Faucher, D., Sankaran, K., Ninan, A., Kalapesi, Z., Sorokan, T., Cieslak, Z., Peliowski, A., Aziz, K., Ohlsson, A., Shah, P., Riley, P., Clarke, M., Dow, K., Kovacs, L., Andrews, W., McMillan, D., Lefebvre, F., Barrington, K., Seshia, M., James, A., Tan, K., Shivananda, S., Tan-Dy, C., Harrison, A., Singhal, N., Yee, W., Bulleid, B., Piedboeuf, B., Rouvinez-Bouali, N., Synnes, A., Richardson, V., Bourchier, D., Battin, M., Mildenhall, L., Broadbent, R., Austin, N., Luig, M., Andersen, C., Koh, G., Carlisle, H., Numa, A., Kuschel, C., Rieger, I., Paradisis, M., Lui, K., Dargaville, P., Kilburn, C., Hunt, R., Cartwright, D., Shingde, V., Cooke, L., Carse, E., Casalaz, D., Stack, J., Simmer, K., Craven, P., Marshall, P., Badawi, N., Lee, S.K., Figueras-Aloy, J., Bassler, D., Mori, R., Håkansson, S., Yang, J., San Feliciano, L., Kusuda, S., Darlow, B.A., Modi, N., Adams, M., Reichman, B., Mirea, L., Sjörs, G., Lui, K., Shah, P.S., Journal of Pediatrics, 2016, 10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.04.083
  • Unscheduled apoptosis during acute inflammatory lung injury, Horowitz, S., Fein, A.F., Niu, G., Rhodes, G.C., Hall, S., Piedboeuf, B., Palaia, T.A., Kazzaz, J.A., Xu, J., Mantell, L.L., Cell Death and Differentiation, 1997, 10.1038/sj.cdd.4400278
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  • Clinical validity of karyotyping for the diagnosis of chromosomal imbalance following array comparative genomic hybridisation, Rousseau, F., Maranda, B., Piedboeuf, B., Laframboise, R., Castonguay, L., Vallée, M., Gekas, J., Journal of Medical Genetics, 2011, 10.1136/jmedgenet-2011-100304
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  • Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections and Non–Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections Surveillance in Canadian Tertiary Care Neonatal Intensive Care Units, Kajetanowicz, A., Afifi, J., Monterrosa, L., Ojah, C., Makary, H., Canning, R., Masse, E., Beltempo, M., Claveau, M., Piedboeuf, B., Drolet, C., Lapoint, A., Barrington, K., Pelausa, E., Dow, K., Lemyre, B., Dunn, M., Lee, K.-S., Nwaesei, C., Da Silva, O., Mukerji, A., Alvaro, R., Seshia, M., Daspal, S., Sankaran, K., Kalapesi, Z., Fajardo, C., Yee, W., Toye, J., Sherlock, R., Cieslak, Z., Ting, J., Shah, P.S., Lee, S.K., Kanungo, J., Bertelle, V., Emberley, J., Yoon, E.W., Zipursky, A.R., Journal of Pediatrics, 2019, 10.1016/j.jpeds.2018.12.011
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  • Early docosahexaenoic acid supplementation of mothers during lactation leads to high plasma concentrations in very preterm infants, Dodin, S., Lévy, É., Nuyt, A.M., Dufresne, A., Piedboeuf, B., Sterescu, A., Lucas, M., Plourde, M., Marc, I., Journal of Nutrition, 2011, 10.3945/jn.110.125880
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  • Extensive cardiopulmonary resuscitation of preterm neonates at birth and mortality and developmental outcomes., Canadian Neonatal Network™ (CNN) and the Canadian Neonatal Follow-up Network (CNFUN) Canadian Neonatal Network (CNN) Site Investigators, Lodha A, Ballantyne M, Dewey D, Creighton D, Ting JY, Singhal N, Rabi Y, Synnes A, Shah PS, Soraisham A, Fischer N, Resuscitation, 2019, 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.01.003
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  • The Canadian Preterm Birth Network: a study protocol for improving outcomes for preterm infants and their families., Canadian Preterm Birth Network Investigators, Shivananda S, O'Brien K, Lacaze-Masmonteil T, Piedboeuf B, Joseph KS, Pasquier JC, Foster J, Robson K, Synnes A, Barrett J, McDonald SD, Shah PS, CMAJ open, 2018, 10.9778/cmajo.20170128
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  • Interleukin-1 expression during hyperoxic lung injury in the mouse, Watkins, R.H., Welty, S.E., Poubelle, P.E., Bélanger, S., Gamache, M., Johnston, C.J., Horowitz, S., Piedboeuf, B., Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1998, 10.1016/S0891-5849(98)00002-1
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  • Increased endothelial cell expression of platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 during hyperoxic lung injury, Petrov, P., Baldwin, H.S., Horowitz, S., Frenette, J., Gamache, M., Piedboeuf, B., American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 1998, 10.1165/ajrcmb.19.4.2349
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  • A new ovine model of spine and chest wall deformity at birth with alteration of respiratory system mechanics and lung development: a feasibility study, Praud, J.-P., Piedboeuf, B., Bouchard, S., Gutman, G., Shen, J., Samson, N., Parent, S., European Spine Journal, 2019, 10.1007/s00586-018-5818-3
  • Family integrated care: very preterm neurodevelopmental outcomes at 18 months., Canadian Neonatal Follow-Up Network Investigators, Canadian Neonatal Network Investigators, O'Brien K, Lee SK, Ye X, Moddemann D, Kelly E, Church P, Grunau RE, Petrie J, Synnes AR, Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition, 2021, 10.1136/archdischild-2020-321055
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  • Refining evidence-based retinopathy of prematurity screening guidelines: The SCREENROP study., Canadian Neonatal Network and the Canadian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus , Lee SK, Seidlitz W, Easterbrook B Kin B, Selvitella A, Farrokhyar F, Shivananda S, Sabri K, Paediatrics & child health, 2019, 10.1093/pch/pxz085
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  • Rates and Determinants of Mother's Own Milk Feeding in Infants Born Very Preterm, Zwicker, J., Yee, W., Ye, P., Wood, S., Wilson, D., Whyte, H., Whittle, W., Vincer, M., Ubhi, J., Toye, J., Tough, S., Ting, J., Thériault, K., Synnes, A., Smith, G., Skoll, A., Skarsgard, E., Shivananda, S., Sherlock, R., Shah, V., Seshia, M., Schneider, C., Reichert, A., Pullenayegum, E., Puligandla, P., Premji, S., Portales-Casamar, E., Piedboeuf, B., Pelausa, E., Pechlivanoglou, P., Pasquier, J.-C., Ouellet, A., Ojah, C., Offringa, M., O'Brien, K., Nwaesei, C., Nuyt, A.-M., Murphy, K., Murphy, L., Mundle, W., Mukerji, A., Morais, M., Monterrosa, L., Moddemann, D., Metcalfe, A., Melamed, N., McMillan, D., McDonald, S.D., Masse, E., Marc, I., Makary, H., Majnemer, A., Ly, L., Mai Luu, T., Louis, D., Lodha, A., Lemyre, B., Khairy, M., Lee, K.-S., Lacaze-Masmonteil, T., Kalapesi, Z., Kajetanowicz, A., Joseph, K.S., Hicks, M., Helewa, M., Hasan, S., Harrison, A., Han, V., Gratton, R., Gagnon, R., Foster, J., Fajardo, C., El-Naggar, W., El-Chaar, D., el Helou, S., Dunn, M., Drolet, C., Dow, K., Deshpandey, A., de Cabo, C., Daspal, S., Dahlgren, L., Daboval, T., Da Silva, O., Creighton, D., Crane, J., Coughlin, K., Church, P., Chandra, S., Chaillet, N., Carson, G., Canning, R., Butt, K., Burrows, J., Bodani, J., Bocking, A., Blais, L., Bertelle, V., Berard, A., Beltempo, M., Barrett, J., Ballantyne, M., Aziz, K., Audibert, F., Andrews, J., Armson, A., Alvaro, R., Afifi, J., Abenhaim, H., Alshaikh, B., Ye, X.Y., Shah, P.S., Bacchini, F., Cieslak, Z., Wood, C., Singhal, N., Dharel, D., Journal of Pediatrics, 2021, 10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.04.037
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  • Prolonged survival in hereditary surfactant protein B (SP-B) deficiency associated with a novel splicing mutation, Guttentag, S., Nogee, L.M., Jobin, C., Piedboeuf, B., White, F.V., Hamvas, A., Whitsett, J.A., Ikegami, M., Wert, S.E., Dunbar III, A.E., Pediatric Research, 2000, 10.1203/00006450-200009000-00003
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  • Neonatal deaths: Prospective exploration of the causes and process of end-of-life decisions, Dabowal, T., Watts, J., Osiovich, H., Rouvinez-Bouali, N., Piedboeuf, B., Riley, P., Peliowski, A., Ojah, C., McMillan, D.D., Coughlin, K., Dow, K., Doctor, S., Chiu, A., Bullied, B., Payot, A., Andrews, W., Shah, P.S., Knighton, R., Lee, S.K., Hellmann, J., Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 2016, 10.1136/archdischild-2015-308425
  • An international trial of antioxidants in the prevention of preeclampsia (INTAPP), Fraser, W.D., Wei, S., Collet, J.-P., Demianczuk, N., Shear, R., Gratton, R., Olatunbosun, F., Magee, L.A., Ohlsson, A., Seaward, G., Tawagi, G., Dubé, J., Helewa, M., Walker, M., Benjamin, A., Wood, S., Winsor, S., Choquette, P., Parra-Cabrera, S., Shatenstein, B., Piedboeuf, B., Moutquin, J.-M., Audibert, F., Leduc, L., von Dadelszen, P., Smith, G., Julien, P., Roy, C., Reyes, H., Xiong, X., Perez-Cuevas, R., Xu, H., American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2010, 10.1016/j.ajog.2010.01.050
  • Neonates with a 10-min Apgar score of zero: Outcomes by gestational age, Lee, S.K., Kajetanowicz, A., Afifi, J., Emberley, J., Monterrosa, L., Ojah, C., Makary, H., Canning, R., Bertelle, V., Beltempo, M., Piedboeuf, B., Drolet, C., Barrington, K., Pelausa, E., Dow, K., Lemyre, B., Dunn, M., Lee, K.-S., Nwaesei, C., Da Silva, O., Mukerji, A., Alvaro, R., Seshia, M., Daspal, S., Sankaran, K., Kalapesi, Z., Fajardo, C., Toye, J., Yee, W., Sherlock, R., Cieslak, Z., Ting, J., Kanungo, J., Wintermark, P., Shah, P.S., Aziz, K., Singhal, N., Yoon, E.W., Claveau, M., Zhong, Y.J., Resuscitation, 2019, 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2019.07.036
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Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs

Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*

Depuis 2009
  • François Olivier - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2017/01
  • Charlotte Lemieux-Bourque - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2021/05

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*Les supervisions d’étudiant(e)s de 1er cycle en stage de recherche et de résident(e)s aux études médicales postdoctorales seront répertoriées ultérieurement.