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Laurent Bouyer

Professeur titulaire

Centre thématique de recherche en neurosciences
Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale
Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale
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Contribution à la recherche

Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :

Santé et bien-être durables

Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :

Neurosciences et santé mentale
Perte d’autonomie et réadaptation
Transfert des connaissances

Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :

Appareil locomoteur et arthrite
  • Orthèses et prothèses
Neurosciences, santé mentale et toxicomanies
  • Système moteur
  • Système somato-sensoriel
  • Douleur
  • Apprentissage et mémoire
  • Maladies de la moelle épinière
  • Sclérose en plaques
  • Accidents cérébrovasculaires
  • Hémiplégie et paraplégie
  • Maladies neurodégénératives
  • Maladies neurologiques
  • Troubles vestibulaires
Organismes vivants (êtres humains - Psychologie/aspects biologiques)
  • Intégration sensorimotrice
Techniques, mesures et systèmes

Projets de recherche

  • Neural mechanisms underlying the adaptive plasticity of human locomotion - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada - Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe), chercheur principal - 2024-04-01 au 2029-03-31
  • Towards a reduction in muscoloskeletal disorders at work through the development of an ergonomic intelligent feedback system - Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements - Fonds Nouvelle frontières en recherche - Volet Transformation, co-chercheur - 2024-04-01 au 2026-03-31
  • Ingénierie de technologies interactives en réadaptation - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, Université Laval - Fonds internes - Regroupements stratégiques NT, Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2019-04-01 au 2026-03-31
  • Canadian MSK Rehab Research Network - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subventions Catalyseur de réseaux, Western University, co-chercheur - 2020-01-01 au 2024-12-31
  • Détection de fatigue musculaire chez les travailleurs à l'aide de centrales inertielles et capteurs EMG - B - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies - Projet subsidiaire d'un regroupement stratégique (pour fins de gestion au VRRCI), Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2023-10-01 au 2024-10-01
  • Maturation d'une méthode et d'un système de mesure pour accélérer un retour au travail/activité physique sécuritaire suite à une blessure musculosquelettique - Phase 1 - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada - De l'idée à l'innovation (INNOV), chercheur principal - 2023-09-30 au 2024-09-29
  • Poursuite de la mise en œuvre du Registre des lésions de la moelle épinière Rick Hansen (RLME) au Canada – Version 3.0 - Praxis Spinal Cord Institute, chercheur principal - 2022-04-01 au 2024-03-31
  • Développement et validation d'une interface de contrôle électromyographique (EMG) - Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada - Programme de développement de la technologie accessible, co-chercheur - 2023-04-03 au 2024-03-29
  • Ingénierie de technologies interactives en réadaptation (INTER) - Université du Québec - Télé-université, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, École de technologie supérieure, Université McGill, Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, Université Laval - Fonds internes, Université de Sherbrooke, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, École polytechnique de Montréal - Regroupements stratégiques NT, Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2017-04-01 au 2023-03-31
  • Neural mechanisms underlying the adaptive plasticity of human locomotion - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC), Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada - Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe), chercheur principal - 2018-04-01 au 2023-03-31
  • Détection de fatigue musculaire chez les travailleurs à l'aide de centrales inertielles et capteurs EMG - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies - Projet subsidiaire d'un regroupement stratégique (pour fins de gestion au VRRCI), Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2020-10-01 au 2022-11-01
  • Using biomimetic technology as an approach to design efficient load-bearing exoskeletons for the Canadian Armed Forces: effect on motor performance and role of motor learning - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada, Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC), Mawashi Sciences & Technologie - Partenariat de recherche MDN/CRSNG, chercheur principal - 2018-07-25 au 2021-07-24
  • Du laboratoire à la communauté: Développement et expérimentation de solutions innovantes pour une mobilité accrue dans des environnements urbains inclusifs - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies - Programme Samuel-De Champlain, co-chercheur - 2019-04-01 au 2021-03-31


  • Contribution of cutaneous inputs from the hindpaw to the control of locomotion. II. Spinal cats., Rossignol S, Bouyer LJ, 2003, 10.1152/jn.00497.2003
  • Immediate effects of kinesiotaping on acromiohumeral distance and shoulder proprioception in individuals with symptomatic rotator cuff tendinopathy, Roy, J.-S., Bouyer, L.J., Pairot de Fontenay, B., de Oliveira, F.C.L., Clinical Biomechanics, 2019, 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.11.005
  • Validity and Reliability of Wearable Sensors for Joint Angle Estimation: A Systematic Review, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent Bouyer, Catherine Mercier, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Mathieu Bielmann, Frédérique Dupuis, Isabelle Poitras, Sensors, 2019, 10.3390/s19071555
  • Potential of a New, Flexible Electrode sEMG System in Detecting Electromyographic Activation in Low Back Muscles during Clinical Tests: A Pilot Study on Wearables for Pain Management, Laurent J. Bouyer, Younes Messaddeq, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Benoit Gosselin, Isabelle Pagé, Mourad Roudjane, Nicolas Gauthier, Mathieu Bielmann, Hugo Massé-Alarie, Antoine Frasie, Sensors, 2024, 10.3390/s24144510
  • Distal Leg Muscle Function in Patients with COPD, Didier Saey, Mathieu Rousseau-Gagnon, Martin Noël, Cynthia Brouillard, Valérie Coats, Fernanda Ribeiro, Laurent Bouyer, François Maltais, Philippe Gagnon, COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 2013, 10.3109/15412555.2012.719047
  • Ancestral persistence of vestibulospinal reflexes in axial muscles in humans, Jean-René Cazalets, Dominique Guehl, Laurent J. Bouyer, Emilie Doat, Céline Faure, Etienne Guillaud, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2020, 10.1152/jn.00421.2019
  • Modifications in ankle dorsiflexor activation by applying a torque perturbation during walking in persons post-stroke: a case series, Laurent J Bouyer, Sylvie Nadeau, Carol L Richards, Martin Noël, Andreanne K Blanchette, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2014, 10.1186/1743-0003-11-98
  • Acute physical exercise affects cognitive functioning in children With cerebral palsy, Voisin, J.I.A., Andrysek, J., Zabjek, K., McFadyen, B.J., Bouyer, L.J., Wyss, D., Dufour, S.-K., Gane, C., Maltais, D.B., Pediatric Exercise Science, 2016, 10.1123/pes.2015-0110
  • Disruption of Locomotor Adaptation with Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Over the Motor Cortex., Nielsen JB, Bouyer LJ, Choi JT, 2015, 10.1093/cercor/bhu015
  • Quadriceps Physiological Response During the 1-minute Sit-to-stand Test in People with Severe COPD and Healthy Controls, Maltais, F., Saey, D., Bouyer, L., Martin, M., Bielmann, M., Mucci, P., Gephine, S., ResearchSquare, 2021, 10.21203/rs.3.rs-680018
  • Development and reliability of a measure evaluating dynamic proprioception during walking with a robotized ankle-foot orthosis, and its relation to dynamic postural control, Laurent Bouyer, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Catherine Mercier, Karine Brochu, Jason Bouffard, Amélie Fournier Belley, Gait & Posture, 2016, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.07.013
  • Modulation of Corticospinal Excitability of Trunk Muscles in Preparation of Rapid Arm Movement, Mercier, C., Bouyer, L.J., Neige, C., Massé-Alarie, H., Neuroscience, 2018, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.11.024
  • Variable impact of tizanidine on the medium latency reflex of upper and lower limbs, Scott, S.H., Nielsen, J.B., Christiansen, L., Jin, A., Bouffard, J., Bouyer, L.J., Kurtzer, I., Experimental Brain Research, 2018, 10.1007/s00221-017-5162-6
  • Footwear characteristics are related to running mechanics in runners with patellofemoral pain, Roy, J.-S., McFadyen, B.J., Bouyer, L.J., Dubois, B., Esculier, J.-F., Gait and Posture, 2017, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.03.010
  • Challenging the adaptive capacity of rhythmic movement control, Laurent J. Bouyer, Breathe, Walk and Chew: The Neural Challenge: Part II, 2011, 10.1016/b978-0-444-53825-3.00013-9
  • Contribution of cutaneous inputs from the hindpaw to the control of locomotion. I. Intact cats., Rossignol S, Bouyer LJ, 2003, 10.1152/jn.00496.2003
  • Exploring the Influence of Structured Familiarization to an Adjustable, Passive Load-Bearing Exoskeleton on Oxygen Consumption and Lower Limb Muscle Activation During Walking, Krista L. Best, Laurent J. Bouyer, Thomas Karakolis, Miorie Le Quang, Gabriel Diamond-Ouellette, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2024, 10.1109/TNSRE.2024.3419840
  • Using an electrohydraulic ankle foot orthosis to study modifications in feedforward control during locomotor adaptation to force fields applied in stance, Laurent J Bouyer, Karine Fortin, Martin Noel, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2009, 10.1186/1743-0003-6-16
  • Multimodal Electrophysiological Signal Measurement using a New Flexible and Conductive Polymer Fiber-electrode, Gosselin, B., Bouyer, L.J., Messaddeq, Y., Page, I., Saad, A.B., Loukili, M., Frasie, A., Roudjane, M., Gauthier, N., Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2020, 10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9176420
  • A multichannel wireless semg sensor endowing a $0.13 \ \mu \mathrm{m}$ CMOS mixed-signal soc, Gosselin, B., Bouyer, L., Bielmann, M., Mascret, Q., Fall, C.L., Gagnon-Turcotte, G., 2018 IEEE Life Sciences Conference, LSC 2018, 2018, 10.1109/LSC.2018.8572118
  • Adaptive changes of locomotion after central and peripheral lesions., Leblond H, Langlet C, Barthélemy D, Bouyer L, Brustein E, Rossignol S, 2004, 10.1139/y04-068
  • Calibration and Adjustment Algorithm to Attenuate the Effect of Arm Orientation on an sEMG-Based Muscle Fatigue Indicator, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Jean-Sebastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Marianne Boyer, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3199560
  • Ancestral persistence of vestibulo-spinal reflexes in axial muscles in humans, Cazalets, J.-R., Guehl, D., Bouyer, L., Doat, E., Faure, C., Guillaud, E., bioRxiv, 2019, 10.1101/564617
  • Development of the Canadian Spinal Cord Injury Best Practice (Can-SCIP) Guideline: Methods and overview, Clarke, T., Jaglal, S., Kalsi-Ryan, S., Casha, S., Elliot, S., McVeigh, S., Hocaloski, S., McCullum, S., Nicosia, S., Christie, S., Fox, R., Athanasopoulos, P., Houghton, P., Popovic, M., Fehlings, M., Laramée, M.-T., Russo, L., Bélanger, L., Ritchie, L., Bouyer, L., Cowley, K., Musselman, K., Burns, K.K., Ethans, K., Shepherd, J., Cobb, J., Chernesky, J., Smith, J., Wilson, J., Milligan, J., Flett, H., Jones, G., Hill, D., Lala, D., Forney, D., O’Connell, C., West, C., Short, C., Kwon, B., Welk, B., Krassioukov, A., Richard-Denis, A., Townson, A., Craven, B.C., Querée, M., Noonan, V.K., Ho, C., Eng, J., Kua, A., Cheng, C., Bayley, M.T., Patsakos, E.M., Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2021, 10.1080/10790268.2021.1953312
  • Effect of Cutaneous Heat Pain on Corticospinal Excitability of the Tibialis Anterior at Rest and during Submaximal Contraction, Laurent J. Bouyer, Catherine Mercier, Martin Gagné, Cécilia Neige, Maxime Billot, Neural Plasticity, 2018, 10.1155/2018/8713218
  • Gait training facilitates push-off and improves gait symmetry in children with cerebral palsy, Nielsen, J.B., Farmer, S.F., Bouyer, L., Willerslev-Olsen, M., Frisk, R., Lorentzen, J., Human Movement Science, 2020, 10.1016/j.humov.2019.102565
  • Adjusting gait step-by-step: Brain activation during split-belt treadmill walking, Paquette, C., Bouyer, L., Soucy, J.-P., Thiel, A., Hinton, D.C., NeuroImage, 2019, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116095
  • A simple, clinically applicable motor learning protocol to increase push-off during gait: A proof-of-concept, Laurent J. Bouyer, Jens Bo Nielsen, Michaël Bertrand-Charette, PLOS ONE, 2021, 10.1371/journal.pone.0245523
  • Effects of robotic gait training after stroke: A meta-analysis, Helene Cassoudesalle, Patrick Dehail, Laurent Bouyer, Bertrand Glize, David Gasq, Romain Griffier, Geoffroy Moucheboeuf, Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2020, 10.1016/j.rehab.2020.02.008
  • Determinants of locomotor recovery after spinal injury in the cat, Tomás A. Reader, Hugues Leblond, Judith Marcoux, Edna Brustein, Nathalie Giroux, Connie Chau, Dorothy Barthélemy, Cécile Langlet, Laurent Bouyer, Serge Rossignol, Brain Mechanisms for the Integration of Posture and Movement, 2004, 10.1016/s0079-6123(03)43016-1
  • Alteration in global motor strategy following lateral ankle sprain, Jean Leblond, Luc J Hébert, Marc Perron, Laurent J Bouyer, Hélène Moffet, Maude Bastien, BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2014, 10.1186/1471-2474-15-436
  • Predicting rehabilitation length of stay in Canada: It’s not just about impairment, Noonan, V.K., Bouyer, L.J., Ethans, K., O'Connell, C., Gagnon, D.H., Linassi, A.G., Ho, C., Rivers, C.S., Farahani, F., Kurban, D., Catharine Craven, B., Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 2017, 10.1080/10790268.2017.1368962
  • The effects of acute intense physical exercise on postural stability in children with cerebral palsy, Andrysek, J., Voisin, J.I.A., Maltais, D.B., Bouyer, L.J., Zabjek, K., Gane, C., Dufour, S.-K., Wyss, D., Leineweber, M.J., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2016, 10.1123/APAQ.2015-0115
  • Effect of experimental cutaneous hand pain on corticospinal excitability and short afferent inhibition, Bouyer, L.J., Reilly, K.T., Gagné, M., Mercier, C., Brain Sciences, 2016, 10.3390/brainsci6040045
  • Gait Adaptation to a Phase-Specific Nociceptive Electrical Stimulation Applied at the Ankle: A Model to Study Musculoskeletal-Like Pain, Bouyer, L.J., Roy, J.-S., Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Bertrand-Charette, M., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021, 10.3389/fnhum.2021.762450
  • Adaptive mechanisms of spinal locomotion in cats, Bouyer, L., Rossignol, S., Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2004
  • Interactive virtual feedback improves gait motor imagery after spinal cord injury: An exploratory study, Mercier, C., Bouyer, L.J., Jackson, P.L., Robitaille, N., Roosink, M., Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2016, 10.3233/RNN-150563
  • A Wearable Sensor Network With Embedded Machine Learning for Real-Time Motion Analysis and Complex Posture Detection, B. Gosselin, L. J. Bouyer, C. L. Fall, M. Bielmann, G. Gagnon-Turcotte, Q. Mascret, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3139588
  • Using Corticomuscular and Intermuscular Coherence to Assess Cortical Contribution to Ankle Plantar Flexor Activity During Gait, Nielsen, J.B., Halliday, D.M., Bouyer, L.J., Geertsen, S.S., Spedden, M.E., Frisk, R., Jensen, P., Journal of Motor Behavior, 2019, 10.1080/00222895.2018.1563762
  • Exploring the Change in Metabolic Cost of Walking before and after Familiarization with a Passive Load-Bearing Exoskeleton: A Case Series, Best, K.L., Bouyer, L.J., Leblond, J., Karakolis, T., Telonio, A., Diamond-Ouellette, G., IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2022, 10.1080/24725838.2022.2124325
  • Design and Accuracy of an Instrumented Insole Using Pressure Sensors for Step Count, Charles S. Batcho, Hélène Moffet, Bradford J. McFadyen, Désirée Maltais, Laurent Bouyer, Andréanne K. Blanchette, Armelle M. Ngueleu, Sensors, 2019, 10.3390/s19050984
  • Manual wheelchair users gradually face fewer postural stability and control challenges with increasing rolling resistance while maintaining a rear-wheel wheelie, Gagnon, D.H., Bouyer, L., Routhier, F., Gourdou, P., Desroches, G., Lalumiere, M., Human Movement Science, 2018, 10.1016/j.humov.2018.10.013
  • Electromyographic analysis of rotator cuff muscles in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy: A systematic review, Roy, J.-S., Ager, A.L., Bouyer, L.J., de Oliveira, F.C.L., Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2017, 10.1016/j.jelekin.2017.06.002
  • Quadriceps physiological response during the 1-min sit-to-stand test in people with severe COPD and healthy controls, Maltais, F., Saey, D., Bouyer, L., Martin, M., Bielmann, M., Mucci, P., Gephine, S., Scientific Reports, 2022, 10.1038/s41598-022-04820-z
  • Adding Haptic Feedback to Virtual Environments with a Cable-Driven Robot Improves Upper Limb Spatio-Temporal Parameters during a Manual Handling Task, McFadyen, B.J., Bouyer, L., Mercier, C., Laurendeau, D., Gosselin, C., Cardou, P., Robitaille, N., Fortin-Cote, A., Faure, C., IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2020, 10.1109/TNSRE.2020.3021200
  • Study of cutaneous reflex compensation during locomotion after nerve section in the cat., Rossignol S, Provencher J, Bouyer L, Bernard G, 2007, 10.1152/jn.00797.2006
  • Effects of walking with loads above the ankle on gait parameters of persons with hemiparesis after stroke, Carol L. Richards, Laurent Bouyer, Nicholas Bourgeois, Sylvie Nadeau, Cyril Duclos, Clinical Biomechanics, 2014, 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2013.12.012
  • Lower Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Training for Pediatric Gait Disorders: A Scoping Review, Catherine Mercier, Laurent Bouyer, Léandre Gagné-Pelletier, Yosra Cherni, 2021, 10.20944/preprints202112.0014.v1
  • Validation of the Borg CR10 Scale for the evaluation of shoulder perceived fatigue during work-related tasks, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Maxence Compagnat, Michaël Bertrand-Charette, Antoine Frasie, Applied Ergonomics, 2024, 10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104200
  • Real-time modulation of visual feedback on human full-body movements in a virtual mirror: development and proof-of-concept, Catherine Mercier, Laurent J Bouyer, Philip L Jackson, Luc J Hébert, Bradford J McFadyen, Nicolas Robitaille, Meyke Roosink, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2015, 10.1186/1743-0003-12-2
  • Alteration of ankle proprioceptive threshold during gait in the presence of acute experimental pain, Laurent J. Bouyer, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Miorie Le Quang, Michaël Bertrand-Charette, PLOS ONE, 2022, 10.1371/journal.pone.0263161
  • The effect of experimental pain on the excitability of the corticospinal tract in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Masse-Alarie, H., Mercier, C., Bouyer, L., Roy, J.-S., Billot, M., Mavromatis, N., Patricio, P., Bouffard, J., Rohel, A., European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 2021, 10.1002/ejp.1746
  • Effect of movement‐related pain on behaviour and corticospinal excitability changes associated with arm movement preparation, Catherine Mercier, Laurent J. Bouyer, Martin Gagné, Nicolas Mavromatis, Cécilia Neige, The Journal of Physiology, 2018, 10.1113/JP276011
  • Predictors of clinical success in runners with patellofemoral pain: Secondary analyses of a randomized clinical trial, Roy, J.-S., Chau, L., Brisson, M., Leblond, J., Dubois, B., Bouyer, L.J., Esculier, J.-F., Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2018, 10.1016/j.jsams.2018.01.006
  • The cat model of spinal injury., Reader TA, Barbeau H, Leblond H, Provencher J, Barthelémy D, Langlet C, Marcoux J, Bouyer L, Brustein E, Giroux N, Chau C, Rossignol S, 2002, 10.1016/S0079-6123(02)37014-6
  • Development and Validation of Open-Source Activity Intensity Count and Activity Intensity Classification Algorithms from Raw Acceleration Signals of Wearable Sensors, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Catherine Mercier, François Routhier, Laurent J. Bouyer, Jade Clouâtre, Isabelle Poitras, Sensors, 2020, 10.3390/s20236767
  • "Torso rotation" experiments; 2: Gaze stability during voluntary head movements improves with adaptation to motion sickness., Watt DG, Bouyer LJ, 1996
  • Rapid changes in corticospinal excitability during force field adaptation of human walking., Bouyer LJ, Nielsen JB, Grey MJ, Alain S, Barthélemy D, 2012, 10.1007/s00221-011-2977-4
  • Reducing Noise, Artifacts and Interference in Single-Channel EMG Signals: A Review, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent Bouyer, Marianne Boyer, Sensors, 2023, 10.3390/s23062927
  • Beyond the joint: The role of central nervous system reorganizations in chronic musculoskeletal disorders, Mercier, C., Langevin, P., Bouyer, L.J., Roy, J.-S., Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 2017, 10.2519/jospt.2017.0608
  • Effects of rehabilitation approaches for runners with patellofemoral pain: Protocol of a randomised clinical trial addressing specific underlying mechanisms, Roy, J.-S., Moore, L., Frémont, P., Dubois, B., Bouyer, L.J., Esculier, J.-F., BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2016, 10.1186/s12891-015-0859-9
  • Clinicians’ perspectives on inertial measurement units in clinical practice, Laurent J. Bouyer, Philippe S. Archambault, Cyril Duclos, François Michaud, Nathalie Hamel, Elizabeth Turcotte, Josiane Lettre, Émilie Lacroix, Noémie C. Duclos, François Routhier, PLOS ONE, 2020, 10.1371/journal.pone.0241922
  • Effect of experimental muscle pain on the acquisition and retention of locomotor adaptation: different motor strategies for a similar performance, Laurent J. Bouyer, Paul W. Hodges, Wolbert van den Hoorn, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Kylie Tucker, Catherine Mercier, Sauro E. Salomoni, Jason Bouffard, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2018, 10.1152/jn.00411.2017
  • Validity of Wearable Sensors at the Shoulder Joint: Combining Wireless Electromyography Sensors and Inertial Measurement Units to Perform Physical Workplace Assessments, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Catherine Mercier, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Mathieu Bielmann, Isabelle Poitras, Sensors, 2019, 10.3390/s19081885
  • The Spinal Cat, Tomas A. Reader, Hughes Barbeau, Trevor Drew, Claude-André Grenier, Laurent Bouyer, Edna Brustein, Nathalie Giroux, Connie Chau, Marc Bélanger, Serge Rossignol, Neurobiology of Spinal Cord Injury, 2000, 10.1007/978-1-59259-200-5_3
  • Infographic: treating runners with patellofemoral pain: appropriate education is key, Roy, J.-S., McFadyen, B., Moore, L., Fremont, P., Dubois, B., Bouyer, L.J., Esculier, J.-F., British journal of sports medicine, 2018, 10.1136/bjsports-2017-098113
  • Hip kinematics during functional tasks in females with patellofemoral pain: Modification following rehabilitation and correlation with clinical improvement, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent Bouyer, Jean-François Esculier, Benoit Pairot de Fontenay, Physical Therapy in Sport, 2018, 10.1016/j.ptsp.2018.03.001
  • Real-Time Human Physical Activity Recognition with Low Latency Prediction Feedback Using Raw IMU Data, Gosselin, B., Bouyer, L.J., Fall, C.-L., Bielmann, M., Mascret, Q., Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2018, 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512252
  • The use of a three-dimensional dynamic arm support prevents the development of muscle fatigue during repetitive manual tasks in healthy individuals, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Mathieu Bielmann, Jean Tittley, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Marie-Hélène Lavallée-Bourget, PLOS ONE, 2022, 10.1371/journal.pone.0266390
  • Walking while resisting a perturbation: Effects on ankle dorsiflexor activation during swing and potential for rehabilitation, Laurent J. Bouyer, Carol L. Richards, Sebastien Lambert, Andreanne Blanchette, Gait & Posture, 2011, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2011.06.001
  • "Torso rotation" experiments; 1: Adaptation to motion sickness does not correlate with changes in VOR gain., Watt DG, Bouyer LJ, 1996
  • Adaptive mechanisms of spinal locomotion in cats., Bouyer L, Rossignol S, 2004, 10.1093/icb/44.1.71
  • The Effects of a Multimodal Rehabilitation Program on Symptoms and Ground Reaction Forces in Runners With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Jean Sébastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Canada., QC, Quebec City, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration, Jean Francois Esculier, JSR, 2015, 10.1123/jsr.2014-0245
  • Motion Detection and Analysis Using Multimaterial Fiber Sensors, Benoit Gosselin, Younès Messaddeq, Ghyslain Gagnon, Laurent Bouyer, Mourad Roudjane, Gabriel Gagnon-Turcotte, Antoine Frasie, Magali Ozon, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023, 10.1109/TCSI.2023.3293000
  • The Effects of a Multimodal Rehabilitation Program on Symptoms and Ground Reaction Forces in Runners With Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome., Roy JS, Bouyer LJ, Esculier JF, 2015
  • The impact of experimental pain on shoulder movement during an arm elevated reaching task in a virtual reality environment, Jean‐Sébastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Alexandre Campeau‐Lecours, Catherine Mercier, Mathieu Beilmann, Hamish Osborne, Craig A. Wassinger, Gisela Sole, Frédérique Dupuis, Physiological Reports, 2021, 10.14814/phy2.15025
  • Ankle proprioception during gait in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury, Laurent Bouyer, Catherine Mercier, Jean‐Sebastien Roy, Andreanne K. Blanchette, Benoit Pairot de Fontenay, Charline Dambreville, Physiological Reports, 2019, 10.14814/phy2.14328
  • "Torso Rotation" experiments. 4: the role of vision and the cervico-ocular reflex in compensation for a deficient VOR., Watt DG, Bouyer LJ, 1999
  • 'Torso rotation' experiments; 1: Adaptation to motion sickness does not correlate with changes in VOR gain, Watt, D.G.D., Bouyer, L.J.G., Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation, 1996
  • A Pilot Investigation of the Influence of a Passive Military Exoskeleton on the Performance of Lab-Simulated Operational Tasks, Karakolis, T., Graham, R.B., Diamond-Ouellette, G., Bouyer, L., Best, K.L., Sy, A., McGuinness, C., Cameron, I.J., Gruevski, K.M., IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2020, 10.1080/24725838.2021.1912852
  • Recovery of locomotion in the cat following spinal cord lesions., Leblond H, Langlet C, Barthélemy D, Bouyer L, Rossignol S, 2002, 10.1016/S0165-0173(02)00208-4
  • Adaptive Plasticity of Gait, Bo Nielsen Jens, J. Grey Michael, Laurent, Bouyer, Routledge Handbook of Motor Control and Motor Learning, 2012, 10.4324/9780203132746.ch11
  • Poster 79: Task-Oriented Locomotor Training With and Without Load at the Ankle in Stroke Individuals, Carol L. Richards, Laurent Bouyer, Sylvie Nadeau, Cyril Duclos, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2010, 10.1016/j.apmr.2010.07.107
  • Effects of rolling resistances on handrim kinetics during the performance of wheelies among manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury., Bouyer LJ, Hassan J, Desroches G, Routhier F, Gagnon D, Lalumiere M, 2013, 10.1038/sc.2012.140
  • Effect of Tonic Pain on Motor Acquisition and Retention while Learning to Reach in a Force Field, Catherine Mercier, Laurent J. Bouyer, Martin Gagné, Jason Bouffard, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Mélanie Lamothe, PLoS ONE, 2014, 10.1371/journal.pone.0099159
  • Pain Induced during Both the Acquisition and Retention Phases of Locomotor Adaptation Does Not Interfere with Improvements in Motor Performance, Mercier, C., Roy, J.-S., Bouyer, L.J., Bouffard, J., Neural Plasticity, 2016, 10.1155/2016/8539096
  • Corticospinal Excitability Quantification During a Visually-Guided Precision Walking Task in Humans: Potential for Neurorehabilitation, Laurent J. Bouyer, Andreanne K. Blanchette, Catherine Mercier, Cécilia Neige, Charline Dambreville, Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2022, 10.1177/15459683221124909
  • Promoting Gait Recovery and Limiting Neuropathic Pain after Spinal Cord Injury, Bouyer, L.J., Bouffard, J., Roosink, M., Mercier, C., Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2017, 10.1177/1545968316680491
  • Spinal plasticity in the recovery of locomotion, Olivier Alluin, Cécile Langlet, Judith Marcoux, Nathalie Giroux, Hugues Barbeau, Edna Brustein, Connie Chau, Janyne Provencher, Marc Bélanger, Laurent Bouyer, Dorothy Barthélemy, Marina Martinez, Grégory Barrière, Alain Frigon, Serge Rossignol, Breathe, Walk and Chew: The Neural Challenge: Part II, 2011, 10.1016/b978-0-444-53825-3.00021-8
  • Non-invasive and flexible electrodes based on multimaterial fiber for sEMG signal detection, Messaddeq, Y., Gosselin, B., Bouyer, L., Roy, J.-S., Tam, S., Bielmann, M., Mascret, Q., Ghafouri, S., Roudjane, M., Fall, C.L., 2018 IEEE Life Sciences Conference, LSC 2018, 2018, 10.1109/LSC.2018.8572212
  • Pharmacological activation and modulation of the central pattern generator for locomotion in the cat., Reader TA, Barbeau H, Bouyer L, Giroux N, Brustein E, Chau C, Rossignol S, 1998, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb09061.x
  • Impact of online visual feedback on motor acquisition and retention when learning to reach in a force field, Mercier, C., Roy, J.S., Bouyer, L.J., Gagné, M., Batcho, C.S., Neuroscience, 2016, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.09.020
  • Error signals driving locomotor adaptation: cutaneous feedback from the foot is used to adapt movement during perturbed walking, Bouyer, L.J., Nielsen, J.B., Jensen, P., Choi, J.T., Journal of Physiology, 2016, 10.1113/JP271996
  • Upper limb active joint repositioning during a multijoint task in participants with and without rotator cuff tendinopathy and effect of a rehabilitation program, Roy, J.-S., Savoie, A., Bouyer, L., Mercier, C., Pairot de Fontenay, B., Journal of Hand Therapy, 2020, 10.1016/j.jht.2018.09.009
  • 'Torso Rotation' experiments. 4: The role of vision and the cervico- ocular reflex in compensation for a deficient VOR, Watt, D.G.D., Bouyer, L.J.G., Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation, 1999
  • Detection of Neuromuscular Activity Using New Non-Invasive and Flexible Multimaterial Fiber Dry-Electrodes, Younes Messaddeq, Benoit Gosselin, Laurent J. Bouyer, Ricardo Adriano Dorledo de Faria, M. Bielmann, Cheikh Latyr Fall, Quentin Mascret, Simon Tam, Mourad Roudjane, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2933751
  • 'Torso Rotation' experiments; 3: Effects of acute changes in vestibular function on the control of voluntary head movements, Watt, D.G.D., Bouyer, L.J.G., Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation, 1996
  • Physiology of Walking in Patients with Moderate to Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, FRANÇOIS MALTAIS, CYNTHIA BROUILLARD, LOUIS LAVIOLETTE, DIDIER SAEY, LAURENT BOUYER, RICHARD DEBIGARÉ, NICOLE MARQUIS, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2009, 10.1249/mss.0b013e31819c717f
  • What is Motion Sickness?, YANG TIANDE, IGAL T. NEVO, ALANNA V. SMITH, LAURENT J. G. BOUYER, DOUGLAS G. D. WATT, Ann NY Acad Sci, 1992, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1992.tb25243.x
  • A new approach for detecting and analyzing cutaneous reflexes during locomotion., Bouyer LJ, Bagna M, 2011, 10.1152/jn.01095.2009
  • Effects of kinesiotaping added to a rehabilitation programme for patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy: Protocol for a single-blind, randomised controlled trial addressing symptoms, functional limitations and underlying deficits, Roy, J.-S., Desmeules, F., Bouyer, L.J., De Fontenay, B.P., De Oliveira, F.C.L., BMJ Open, 2017, 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-017951
  • Adaptive locomotor plasticity in chronic spinal cats after ankle extensors neurectomy., Rossignol S, Pearson KG, Whelan PJ, Bouyer LJ, 2001
  • Allumo: Preprocessing and Calibration Software for Wearable Accelerometers Used in Posture Tracking, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Philip Jackson, Laurent Bouyer, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Alexis Fortin-Côté, Sensors, 2019, 10.3390/s20010229
  • Neural Control of Walking, Bo Nielsen Jens, Bouyer Laurent, Michael, J. Grey, Routledge Handbook of Motor Control and Motor Learning, 2012, 10.4324/9780203132746.ch10
  • A Real-Time Algorithm to Estimate Shoulder Muscle Fatigue Based on Surface EMG Signal for Static and Dynamic Upper Limb Tasks, Campeau-Lecours, A., Roy, J.-S., Bouyer, L., Boyer, M., Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2021, 10.1109/EMBC46164.2021.9630702
  • Fatigue, induced via repetitive upper-limb motor tasks, influences trunk and shoulder kinematics during an upper limb reaching task in a virtual reality environment, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent J. Bouyer, Mathieu Bielmann, Craig Wassinger, Gisela Sole, Frédérique Dupuis, PLOS ONE, 2021, 10.1371/journal.pone.0249403
  • Reducing Noise, Artifacts and Interference in Single-Channel EMG Signals : A Review, Alexandre Campeau-Lecours, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Laurent Bouyer, Marianne Boyer, 2023, 10.20944/preprints202302.0052.v1
  • Development of priorities for a Canadian strategy to advance activity-based therapies after spinal cord injury, Peter Athanasopoulous, Dominik Zbogar, Kei Masani, Christopher Grant, José Zariffa, Tara D. Klassen, Anita Kaiser, Tara Jeji, Chester Ho, Sarah Donkers, Brian Chan, Laurent Bouyer, Nancy Thorogood, Hope Jervis-Rademeyer, Vanessa K. Noonan, Kristen Walden, Kristin E. Musselman, Spinal Cord, 2021, 10.1038/s41393-021-00644-2
  • A Computer Vision System for Virtual Rehabilitation, Bouyer, L., Mercier, C., McFadyen, B., Faure, C., Gosselin, C., Cardou, P., Fortin-Cote, A., Laurendeau, D., Bonenfant, M., Proceedings - 2017 14th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, CRV 2017, 2018, 10.1109/CRV.2017.30
  • Lower extremity outcome measures: Considerations for clinical trials in spinal cord injury, Steeves, J., Curt, A., Lammertse, D., Rupp, R., Zörner, B., Easthope, C.S., Awai, L., Haupt, D., Nadeau, S., Gagnon, D.H., Jones, L.A.T., Kleitman, N., Scivoletto, G., Tansey, K.E., Boninger, M.L., Schwab, J.M., Popovic, M.R., Bouyer, L., Barthélemy, D., Rossignol, S., Musselman, K., Field-Fote, E.C., Blight, A.R., Bolliger, M., Spinal Cord, 2018, 10.1038/s41393-018-0097-8
  • Does dual task placement and duration affect split-belt treadmill adaptation?, Paquette, C., Bouyer, L., Conradsson, D., Hinton, D.C., Gait and Posture, 2020, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.10.005
  • Validating Commercial Wearable Sensors for Running Gait Parameters Estimation, J. F. Esculier, L. Bouyer, B. Dubois, J. S. Roy, B. Pairot de Fontenay, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020, 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2982568
  • Contribution of sensory feedback to plantar flexor muscle activation during push-off in adults with cerebral palsy, Jens B. Nielsen, Jakob Lorentzen, Laurent J. Bouyer, Henrik Kirk, Peter Jensen, Rasmus F. Frisk, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2017, 10.1152/jn.00508.2017
  • Spinal Cord Plasticity Associated with Locomotor Compensation to Peripheral Nerve Lesions in the Cat, Serge Rossignol, Laurent Bouyer, Spinal Cord Plasticity, 2001, 10.1007/978-1-4615-1437-4_9
  • Is combining gait retraining or an exercise programme with education better than education alone in treating runners with patellofemoral pain? A randomised clinical trial, Roy, J.-S., McFadyen, B., Moore, L., Fremont, P., Dubois, B., Bouyer, L.J., Esculier, J.-F., British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018, 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096988
  • Motion Detection and Analysis using Multimaterial Fiber Sensors, Gosselin, B., Messaddeq, Y., Gagnon, G., Bouyer, L., Roudjane, M., Gagnon-Turcotte, G., Janusz, M., Frasie, A., Ozon, M., 20th IEEE International Interregional NEWCAS Conference, NEWCAS 2022 - Proceedings, 2022, 10.1109/NEWCAS52662.2022.9842078
  • Kinesiotaping for the Rehabilitation of Rotator Cuff–Related Shoulder Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Roy, J.-S., Desmeules, F., Bouyer, L.J., Pairot de Fontenay, B., de Oliveira, F.C.L., Sports Health, 2021, 10.1177/1941738120944254
  • Lower limb control and strength in runners with and without patellofemoral pain syndrome, Laurent Julien Bouyer, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Jean-Francois Esculier, Gait & Posture, 2015, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2015.02.020
  • On the design of a novel cable-driven parallel robot capable of large rotation about one axis, Gosselin, C., Cardou, P., Laurendeau, D., Bonenfant, M., Mercier, C., McFadyen, B.J., Bouyer, L., Faure, C., Fortin-Côté, A., Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2018, 10.1007/978-3-319-61431-1_33
  • A Virtual Reality avatar interaction (VRai) platform to assess residual executive dysfunction in active military personnel with previous mild traumatic brain injury: proof of concept, McFadyen, B.J., Richards, C.L., Fecteau, S., Bouyer, L.J., Mercier, C., Hébert, L.J., Jackson, P.L., Robitaille, N., Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2017, 10.1080/17483107.2016.1229048
  • Involvement of the corticospinal tract in the control of human gait, Laurent Bouyer, Jens Bo Nielsen, Michael J. Grey, Dorothy Barthélemy, Enhancing performance for action and perception - Multisensory Integration, Neuroplasticity and Neuroprosthetics, Part II, 2011, 10.1016/b978-0-444-53355-5.00012-9
  • Plasticity of locomotor sensorimotor interactions after peripheral and/or spinal lesions, Geneviève Bernard, Hugues Leblond, Janyne Provencher, Laurent Bouyer, Dorothy Barthélemy, Alain Frigon, Grégory Barrière, Serge Rossignol, Brain Research Reviews, 2008, 10.1016/j.brainresrev.2007.06.019
  • Lower-Body Positive Pressure Treadmill Training for Pediatric Gait Disorders: A Scoping Review, Catherine Mercier, Laurent Bouyer, Léandre Gagné-Pelletier, Yosra Cherni, Applied Sciences, 2021, 10.3390/app12010323
  • Modulation of corticospinal output in agonist and antagonist proximal arm muscles during motor preparation, Mercier, C., Bouyer, L.J., Gagné, M., Massé-Alarie, H., Neige, C., PLoS ONE, 2017
  • Validity of Instrumented Insoles for Step Counting, Posture and Activity Recognition: A Systematic Review, Charles S. Batcho, Laurent Bouyer, Bradford J. McFadyen, Hélène Moffet, Désirée Maltais, Andréanne K. Blanchette, Armelle M. Ngueleu, Sensors, 2019, 10.3390/s19112438
  • Upper Extremity Kinematics and Kinetics During the Performance of a Stationary Wheelie in Manual Wheelchair Users With a Spinal Cord Injury, Guillaume Desroches, Laurent Bouyer, François Routhier, Dany H. Gagnon, Canada., QC, Canada as well as the School of Rehabilitation at the Université de Montréal in Montréal, QC, Pathokinesiology Laboratory in the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montréal at the Institut de réadaptation Gingras-Lindsay-de-Montréal in Montréal, Mathieu Lalumiere, JAB, 2014, 10.1123/jab.2013-0333
  • Do nociceptive stimulation intensity and temporal predictability influence pain-induced corticospinal excitability modulation?, Mercier, C., Bouyer, L.J., Gagné, M., Brun, C., Neige, C., NeuroImage, 2020, 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116883
  • Timing-specific transfer of adapted muscle activity after walking in an elastic force field., Bouyer LJ, Blanchette A, 2009, 10.1152/jn.91096.2008
  • Alterations in central motor representation increase over time in individuals with rotator cuff tendinopathy, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Alexandre Savoie, Laurent J. Bouyer, Catherine Mercier, Suzy Ngomo, Clinical Neurophysiology, 2015, 10.1016/j.clinph.2014.05.035
  • An electrohydraulic actuated ankle foot orthosis to generate force fields and to test proprioceptive reflexes during human walking., Bouyer LJ, Gosselin CM, Lambert S, Cantin B, Noël M, 2008, 10.1109/TNSRE.2008.926714
  • 'Torso Rotation' experiments; 2: Gaze stability during voluntary head movements improves with adaptation to motion sickness, Watt, D.G.D., Bouyer, L.J.G., Journal of Vestibular Research: Equilibrium and Orientation, 1996
  • Adaptive locomotor plasticity in chronic spinal cats after ankle extensors neurectomy, Rossignol, S., Pearson, K.G., Whelan, P.J., Bouyer, L.J.G., Journal of Neuroscience, 2001
  • Use of clinical measures to document the effect of passive cycling on knee extensor spasticity and the ability to perform activities of daily living in spinal cord injury: A case report, Maltais, D.B., Bouyer, L.J., Perron, M., Pomerleau, P., International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 2018, 10.1097/MRR.0000000000000269
  • Assessing the Perception of Trunk Movements in Military Personnel with Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain Using a Virtual Mirror, Catherine Mercier, Laurent J. Bouyer, Philip L. Jackson, Luc J. Hébert, Bradford J. McFadyen, Meyke Roosink, PLoS ONE, 2015, 10.1371/journal.pone.0120251
  • The Contribution of Cutaneous Inputs to Locomotion in the Intact and the Spinal Cata, SERGE ROSSIGNOL, LAURENT J.G. BOUYER, Annals NY Acad Sci, 1998, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb09090.x
  • Visual-vestibular influences on locomotor adjustments for stepping over an obstacle, J. Timothy Inglis, Leah R. Bent, Laurent Bouyer, Bradford J. McFadyen, Exp Brain Res, 2006, 10.1007/s00221-006-0784-0
  • Systematic review of motor control and somatosensation assessment tests for the ankle, Roy, J.-S., Bouyer, L.J., Dambreville, C., Bertrand-Charette, M., BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 2020, 10.1136/bmjsem-2019-000685
  • Guiding task-oriented gait training after stroke or spinal cord injury by means of a biomechanical gait analysis, Carol L. Richards, Laurent Bouyer, Cyril Duclos, Sylvie Nadeau, Enhancing performance for action and perception - Multisensory Integration, Neuroplasticity and Neuroprosthetics, Part II, 2011, 10.1016/b978-0-444-53355-5.00011-7
  • Effects of walking in a force field for varying durations on aftereffects and on next day performance, Laurent J. Bouyer, Bradford J. McFadyen, Andreanne Blanchette, Karine Fortin, Exp Brain Res, 2009, 10.1007/s00221-009-1989-9
  • Psychometric evidence of self-reported questionnaires for patellofemoral pain syndrome: a systematic review, Laurent Julien Bouyer, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Jean-Francois Esculier, Disability and Rehabilitation, 2013, 10.3109/09638288.2013.774061
  • Body–foot geometries as revealed by perturbed obstacle position with different time constraints, McFadyen, B.J., Bouyer, L.J., Dugas, L.-P., Experimental Brain Research, 2018, 10.1007/s00221-017-5161-7
  • "Torso rotation" experiments; 3: Effects of acute changes in vestibular function on the control of voluntary head movements., Watt DG, Bouyer LJ, 1996
  • Video-based assessment of foot strike pattern and step rate is valid and reliable in runners with patellofemoral pain, Roy, J.-S., Bouyer, L.J., Silvini, T., Esculier, J.-F., Physical Therapy in Sport, 2018, 10.1016/j.ptsp.2016.11.003
  • The effects of antidromic discharges on orthodromic firing of primary afferents in the cat, Serge Rossignol, Laurent Bouyer, Jean-Pierre Gossard, Brain Research, 1999, 10.1016/s0006-8993(99)01236-6
  • Tonic pain experienced during locomotor training impairs retention despite normal performance during acquisition., Mercier C, Roy JS, Bouyer LJ, Bouffard J, 2014, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5303-13.2014
  • Inverted head shaking as a model of space motion sickness, Kucharski, W., Pleszewski, B., Bouyer, L.J.G., Watt, D.G.D., Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal, 1996
  • Effects of repeated walking in a perturbing environment: a 4-day locomotor learning study., Bouyer LJ, Roy JS, Moffet H, Blanchette A, 2012, 10.1152/jn.01098.2011
  • Abstracts from the Conjoint Annual Meeting of L’Association des pneumologues de la province de Quebec, la Societe de thoracologie du Quebec and le Reseau en sante respiratoire du FRSQ., , 2007
  • Intense and unpredictable perturbations during gait training improve dynamic balance abilities in chronic hemiparetic individuals: A randomized controlled pilot trial, Duclos, C., Bouyer, L., Kairy, D., Lamontagne, A., Dyer, J.-O., Juneau, A., Esmaeili, V., Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2020, 10.1186/s12984-020-00707-0
  • Animal Models for Studying Potential Training Strategies in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury, Laurent J. Bouyer, Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 2005, 10.1097/01.npt.0000282244.31158.40
  • Concurrent and Discriminant Validity of the Star Excursion Balance Test for Military Personnel With Lateral Ankle Sprain, Jean Leblond, Luc J. Hébert, Marc Perron, Laurent Bouyer, Hélène Moffet, Canada., QC, Quebec City, Laval University, CIRRIS Research Centre and the Faculty of Medicine, Maude Bastien, JSR, 2014, 10.1123/jsr.2012-0132
  • Does musculoskeletal pain interfere with motor learning in a gait adaptation task? A proof-of-concept study, Roy, J.-S., Mercier, C., Bouyer, L.J., Bouchard, M., Bouffard, J., de Fontenay, B.P., Dupuis, F., BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2022, 10.1186/s12891-022-05237-5

Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs

Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*

Depuis 2009
  • Mathieu Bielmann - Doctorat - En cours
  • Caroline Charette - Doctorat - En cours
  • Margaux Simon - Doctorat - En cours
  • Maude Bastien - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2012/05
  • Andréanne Blanchette - Doctorat - 2012/09
  • Jean-François Esculier - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2014/01
  • Louis-Philippe Dugas - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2015/09
  • Jason Bouffard - Doctorat - 2016/09
  • Sophie-Krystale Dufour - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2017/01
  • Michaël Bertrand-Charette - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2017/05
  • Cécilia Neige - Doctorat - 2018/09
  • Fabio Carlos Lucas de Oliveira - Doctorat - 2018/09
  • Céline Faure - Doctorat - 2019/09
  • Jean-Philippe Cyr - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2020/05
  • Charline Dambreville - Doctorat - 2020/09
  • Benoit Labbé - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2021/05
  • Frédéric Schweitzer - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2021/05
  • Quentin Mascret - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2022/05
  • Gabriel Diamond-Ouellette - Doctorat - 2024/01
  • Antoine Pascal Sery Marie Frasie - Doctorat - 2024/01

Encadrement d'étudiant(e)s pour les programmes suivants :

Disponibilité d'encadrement d'étudiant(e)s

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*Les supervisions d’étudiant(e)s de 1er cycle en stage de recherche et de résident(e)s aux études médicales postdoctorales seront répertoriées ultérieurement.