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Lucie Germain

Professeure titulaire

Directeur(trice), Centre de recherche en organogenèse expérimentale

Lucie Germain
Centre de recherche en organogenèse expérimentale
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec - Université Laval
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Contribution à la recherche

Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :

Santé et bien-être durables

Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :

Médecine régénératrice et médecine moléculaire

Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :

Appareil locomoteur et arthrite
  • Peau
  • Affections cutanées
  • Fibroses
  • Tissu conjonctif
Organismes vivants (êtres humains - Psychologie/aspects biologiques)

Projets de recherche

  • A human tissue-engineered three-layer cornea (hTEC) supplemented with macrophages as a biomaterial for in vitro studies - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2024-04-01 au 2029-03-31
  • Chaire de recherche du Canada en Cellules Souches et Génie Tissulaire - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Chaires de recherche du Canada - Fonctionnement, chercheur principal - 2022-01-01 au 2028-12-31
  • Chaire de recherche sur les organes reconstruits en laboratoire et leurs applications cliniques (Phase 3) - Fondation de l'Université Laval - Chaires de recherche sans organismes subventionnaires, chercheur principal - 2023-12-02 au 2028-12-01
  • GMEB-SASS: The first clinical trial phase I/II using a genetically modified epidermolysis bullosa self-assembled skin substitute to treat dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a severe rare skin disease - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement : Thérapies géniques pour maladies rares - essais cliniques, chercheur principal - 2024-04-01 au 2028-03-31
  • A cGMP facility for personalized tissue engineering - Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Fondation Canadienne pour l'innovation (La) - Fonds d'innovation (FI), chercheur principal - 2024-12-01 au 2027-12-31
  • Régénération de la peau humaine : Une peau reconstruite par génie tissulaire pigmentée produite plus rapidement pour traiter les patients grands brûlés - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, chercheur principal - 2022-07-01 au 2027-06-30
  • Tissue-engineered solutions for uro-genital reconstruction, and replacing banned synthetic meshes - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2021-10-01 au 2026-09-30
  • Real World Clinical and Economic Burden of Severe Burn Injuries - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2023-10-01 au 2026-09-30
  • Urogenital tissue engineering solutions for transgender surgeries - Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements - Nouvelles frontières en recherche, co-chercheur - 2024-03-31 au 2026-03-30
  • Développement de greffons d’épiderme autologue en combinant thérapie génique et génie tissulaire pour traiter l’épidermolyse bulleuse jonctionnelle - Fondation du Grand défi Pierre Lavoie, Fondation Courtois, chercheur principal - 2024-04-01 au 2025-03-31
  • Tissue engineering to treat Canadian burn patients: the Self-Assembled Skin Substitutes (SASS) - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC) - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), co-chercheur - 2022-04-01 au 2025-03-31
  • Allogeneic dermis to accelerate the production of a tissue-engineered skin substitute to treat Canadian burn patients - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC) - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), co-chercheur - 2023-04-01 au 2025-01-31
  • Clinical trial of cultured epithelial corneal autografts for the treatment of Canadians with limbal stem cell deficiency - Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), chercheur principal - 2023-04-01 au 2025-01-31
  • Cellules souches stromales de cornées humaines pour développer de nouvelles thérapies tissulaires dans le traitement des plaies cornéens - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, co-chercheur - 2023-03-01 au 2024-03-31
  • Projets structurants ThéCell 2023-2024_Greffons d’épiderme autologue en combinant thérapie génique et génie tissulaire pour traiter l’épidermolyse bulleuse jonctionnelle - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, chercheur principal - 2023-04-01 au 2024-03-31
  • Combining tissue-engineered skin with ex vivo gene therapy correction to develop a treatment for epidermolysis bullosa - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC) - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), chercheur principal - 2022-04-01 au 2024-03-31
  • Cellules souches stromales de cornées humaines pour développer de nouvelles thérapies tissulaires dans le traitement des plaies cornéens - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, co-chercheur - 2023-03-01 au 2024-03-31
  • A multicenter skin research group focusing on novel treatment for epidermolysis - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subventions Catalyseur de réseaux, University of Toronto, co-chercheur - 2022-12-01 au 2023-11-30
  • Chaire de recherche sur les organes reconstruits en laboratoire et leurs applications cliniques - Fondation de l'Université Laval - Chaires de recherche sans organismes subventionnaires, chercheur principal - 2013-05-01 au 2023-08-12
  • La réponse immunitaire aux peaux reconstruites avec des cellules allogéniques. - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, chercheur principal - 2022-04-01 au 2023-03-31
  • Cultured epithelial corneal autografts for the treatment of canadians with limbal stem cell deficiency - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC) - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), chercheur principal - 2020-01-01 au 2023-01-31
  • Skin Investigation Network of Canada (SkIN Canada) - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subventions Catalyseur de réseaux, University of Toronto, co-chercheur - 2020-01-01 au 2022-12-31
  • Recherche en vue de développer un traitement pour les patients atteints d'épidermolyse bulleuse dystrophique - Fondation du CHU de Québec, chercheur principal - 2021-09-14 au 2022-09-13
  • Soutien à la recherche dans le domaine des maladies auto-immunes et de la cicatrisation - Fondation de l'Université Laval, chercheur principal - 2016-04-01 au 2022-03-31
  • Towards an epidermolysis bullosa clinical trial with tissue-engineered skin after ex vivo gene therapy correction - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC), Fondation du CHU de Québec, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), chercheur principal - 2020-08-01 au 2022-02-28
  • Self-Assembly Skin Substitutes (SASS) for the treatment of acute wounds of Canadian burn patients - Secrétariat Inter-Conseils (Canada) (CRSH, CRSNG, IRSC) - Réseau de centres d'excellence (RCE), co-chercheur - 2020-01-01 au 2022-01-31


  • Tissue reorganization in response to mechanical load increases functionality, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Rancourt, D., Langelier, E., Dupuis, D., Bergeron, F., Baker, K., Gauvin, R., Larouche, D., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Grenier, G., Tissue Engineering, 2005, 10.1089/ten.2005.11.90
  • Microstructural alterations owing to handling of bovine pericardium to manufacture bioprosthetic heart valves: A potential risk for cusp dehiscence,Modifications microstructurales causées par la manipulation du péricarde bovin pour monter des bioprothèses valvulaires : une cause potentielle de déhiscence cuspide, Guidoin, R., Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Bourget, J.-M., How, D., Vesely, I., Cianciulli, T., Philippe, E., Wang, Y., Mao, J., Morphologie, 2017, 10.1016/j.morpho.2017.03.003
  • Tissue-Engineered Tubular Heart Valves Combining a Novel Precontraction Phase with the Self-Assembly Method, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Kawecki, F., Tremblay, C., Galbraith, T., Ruel, J., Picard-Deland, M., Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2017, 10.1007/s10439-016-1708-1
  • Transcatheter heart valve crimping and the protecting effects of a polyester cuff,Sertissage des valves cardiaques percutanées et la protection possible d'une collerette de tissu, Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Wang, L., Bruneval, P., Guan, X., How, D., Rochette-Drouin, O., Mao, J., Lin, J., Zegdi, R., Guidoin, R., Morphologie, 2016, 10.1016/j.morpho.2016.06.005
  • A novel approach for studying angiogenesis: A human skin equivalent with a capillary-like network, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Damour, O., Hudon, V., Black, A.F., Cell Biology and Toxicology, 1999, 10.1023/A:1007541713398
  • Antiangiogenic effects of the oral administration of liquid cartilage extract in humans, Garrel, D.R., Dupont, E., El-Khouri, S., Gaudreau, P., Saint-Cyr, M., Germain, L., Thibodeau, A., Berbari, P., Journal of Surgical Research, 1999, 10.1006/jsre.1999.5698
  • Stem cells and their implications in pathophysiology, humane treatment, and dermatology,Les cellules souches et leurs implications en physiopathologie, en thérapeutique humaine et en dermatologie, Germain, L., Annales de Dermatologie et de Venereologie, 2009, 10.1016/j.annder.2009.10.193
  • Tie-Over Bolster Pressure Dressing Improves Outcomes of Skin Substitutes Xenografts on Athymic Mice, Lucie Germain, Chanel Beaudoin Cloutier, Livia Montalin, Ariane Bussières, Amélie Morissette, Danielle Larouche, Martin A. Barbier, Andréanne Cartier, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 10.3390/ijms23105507
  • Expression of C4.4A in an in Vitro Human Tissue-Engineered Skin Model, Germain, L., Ploug, M., Rochette-Drouin, O., Larouche, D., Jacobsen, B., BioMed Research International, 2017, 10.1155/2017/2403072
  • Tissue-engineered skin substitutes: From in vitro constructs to in vivo applications, Germain, L., Pouliot, R., Moulin, V., Berthod, F., Auger, F.A., Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2004, 10.1042/ba20030229
  • Using human umbilical cord cells for tissue engineering: A comparison with skin cells, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Guignard, R., Morissette Martin, P., Fradette, J., Hayward, C.J., Differentiation, 2014, 10.1016/j.diff.2014.05.001
  • Tissue engineering of the vascular system: full spectrum of tissue engineered blood vessels (TEBV), Germain, Lucie, Grenier, Guillaume, Black, Annie, Remy-Zolghadri, Murielle, Auger, Francois, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2000
  • Donkey pericardium compares favorably with commercial xenopericardia used in the manufacture of transcatheter heart valves, Guidoin, R., Reed, R.R., Zhang, Z., Fatouraee, N., Germain, L., How, D., Le-Bel, G., Rouse, E.N., Tong, Y., Rassoli, A., Mao, J., Artificial Organs, 2019, 10.1111/aor.13503
  • Recent optimization of a tissue engineered blood vessel: The LOEX experience, Germain, L., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Grenier, G., Laflamme, K., Auger, F.A., International Congress Series, 2004, 10.1016/S0531-5131(03)01768-0
  • The type I keratin 19 possesses distinct and context-dependent assembly properties, Coulombe, P.A., Seshaiah, P., Germain, L., Fradette, J., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1998, 10.1074/jbc.273.52.35176
  • The small heat-shock protein Hsp27 undergoes ERK-dependent phosphorylation and redistribution to the cytoskeleton in response to dual leucine zipper-bearing kinase expression, Germain, L., Blouin, R., Tanguay, R.M., Larouche, D., Simard-Bisson, C., Robitaille, H., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2010, 10.1038/jid.2009.185
  • Reconstructed human skin produced in vitro and grafted on athymic mice, Germain, L., Li, H., Xu, W., Juhasz, J., Auger, F.A., Larouche, D., Pouliot, R., Transplantation, 2002, 10.1097/00007890-200206150-00010
  • Biaxial biomechanical properties of self-assembly tissue-engineered blood vessels, Gleason, R.L., Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Gauvin, R., Zaucha, M.T., Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2011, 10.1098/rsif.2010.0228
  • Stem cells of the skin and cornea: Their clinical applications in regenerative medicine, Germain, L., Larouche, D., Gauvin, R., Fradette, J., Proulx, S., Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation, 2011, 10.1097/MOT.0b013e32834254f1
  • The presence of a feeder layer improves human corneal endothelial cell proliferation by altering the expression of the transcription factors Sp1 and NFI, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Carrier, P., Deschambeault, A., Giasson, C.J., Le-Bel, G., Experimental Eye Research, 2018, 10.1016/j.exer.2018.07.009
  • Influence of endothelial cells on structure, biochemistry and functionality of epidermis reconstructed on synthetic porous membrane, Wepierre, J., Auger, F.A., Juhasz, J., Lindenbaum, A., Noël-Hudson, M.-S., Germain, L., Robert, M., Pouliot, R., Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology, 1998, 10.1159/000029828
  • The triplex BioValsalva prostheses to reconstruct the aortic valve and the aortic root, Guidoin, R., Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Wang, L., Qin, B., Desaulniers, D., Paynter, R., Guzman, R., Lin, J., Bondarenko, O., Bourget, J.M., Li, B., Fu, Y., Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 2016, 10.1615/JLongTermEffMedImplants.2016013541
  • Enhanced wound healing of tissue-engineered human corneas through altered phosphorylation of the CREB and AKT signal transduction pathways, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Zaniolo, K., Desjardins, P., Couture, C., Acta Biomaterialia, 2018, 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.04.021
  • The Human Tissue-Engineered Cornea (hTEC): Recent Progress, Sylvain L. Guérin, Lucie Germain, Richard Bazin, Elodie Boisselier, Elodie Gillard, Camille Couture, Pascale Desjardins, Gaëtan Le-Bel, Louis-Philippe Guérin, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 10.3390/ijms22031291
  • What is new in mechanical properties of tissue-engineered organs., Germain, L., Goulet, F., Berthod, F., Auger, F.A., Current topics in pathology. Ergebnisse der Pathologie, 1999, 10.1007/978-3-642-58456-5_9
  • Influence of the Postmortem/Storage Time of Human Corneas on the Properties of Cultured Limbal Epithelial Cells, Sylvain L. Guérin, Lucie Germain, Camille Couture, Sergio Cortez Ghio, Christelle Gross, Pascale Desjardins, Gaëtan Le-Bel, Cells, 2022, 10.3390/cells11172716
  • Tissue-engineered human vascular media produced in vitro by the self-assembly approach present functional properties similar to those of their native blood vessels, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., D'Orléans-Juste, P., Pouliot, S., Roberge, C.J., Laflamme, K., Tissue Engineering, 2006, 10.1089/ten.2006.12.2275
  • Influence of Sp1/Sp3 expression on corneal epithelial cells proliferation and differentiation properties in reconstructed tissues, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Giasson, M., Leclerc, S., Larouche, K., Carrier, P., Gaudreault, M., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2003, 10.1167/iovs.02-0707
  • A tissue-engineered endothelialized dermis to study the modulation of angiogenic and angiostatic molecules on capillary-like tube formation in vitro, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Damour, O., Black, A.F., Berthod, F., Hudon, V., British Journal of Dermatology, 2003, 10.1046/j.1365-2133.2003.05298.x
  • Progress in developing a living human tissue-engineered tri-leaflet heart valve assembled from tissue produced by the self-assembly approach, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Roberge, C.J., Lafrance, H., Gauvin, R., Bourget, J.-M., Dubé, J., Acta Biomaterialia, 2014, 10.1016/j.actbio.2014.04.033
  • Keratin 19 as a stem cell marker in vivo and in vitro., Germain, L., Cuffley, K., Hayward, C., Larouche, D., Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2005
  • Characterization of a new tissue-engineered human skin equivalent with hair, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Xu, W., Pouliot, R., L'Heureux, N., Michel, M., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 1999, 10.1007/s11626-999-0081-x
  • Identification of functional markers in a self-assembled skin substitute in vitro, Germain, L., Goulet, F., Islam, N., Cvetkovska, B., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 2009, 10.1007/s11626-008-9140-y
  • In Vivo Remodeling of Fibroblast-Derived Vascular Scaffolds Implanted for 6 Months in Rats, Auger, F.A., Ruel, J., Germain, L., Lacroix, D., Tremblay, C., Bourget, J.-M., Gauvin, R., Vallières, K., Laterreur, V., Tondreau, M.Y., BioMed Research International, 2016, 10.1155/2016/3762484
  • Isolation and culture of the three vascular cell types from a small vein biopsy sample, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Labbé, R., Bergeron, F., Guignard, R., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Grenier, G., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 2003, 10.1007/s11626-003-0007-y
  • A truly new approach for tissue engineering: the LOEX self-assembly technique., Germain, L., Grenier, G., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Auger, F.A., Ernst Schering Research Foundation workshop, 2002, 10.1007/978-3-662-04816-0_6
  • A tissue-engineered corneal wound healing model for the characterization of reepithelialization, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Guérin, S.L., Carrier, P., Zaniolo, K., Methods in Molecular Biology, 2013, 10.1007/978-1-62703-505-7_4
  • The ROVT Elan Valved Biplex conduits for the reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract, Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Dionne, G., Desaulniers, D., Guzman, R., Qin, B., Wang, L., Lin, J., Li, X., Paynter, R., Bourget, J.-M., Weerasena, N., Li, B., Fu, Y., Guidoin, R., Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 2016, 10.1615/JLongTermEffMedImplants.2016013857
  • The Ins and Outs of Clusterin: Its Role in Cancer, Eye Diseases and Wound Healing, Sylvain L. Guérin, Lucie Germain, Bianca G. Socol, Louis-Philippe Guérin, Christelle Gross, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 10.3390/ijms241713182
  • Translating the combination of gene therapy and tissue engineering for treating recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Germain, L., Caruso, M., Moulin, V.J., Larochelle, S., Ghio, S.C., Bisson, F., Ghani, K., Larouche, D., Piaceski, A.D., European Cells and Materials, 2018, 10.22203/eCM.v035a06
  • Corneal endothelial toxicity of air and SF6, Brunette, I., Germain, L., Carrier, P., Proulx, S., Bensaoula, T., Nada, O., Hoffart, L., Aminian, A., Landry, H., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2011, 10.1167/iovs.10-6187
  • Tendons and ligaments, Auger, F.A., Poole, A.R., Germain, L., Goulet, F., Principles of Tissue Engineering, 2007, 10.1016/B978-012370615-7/50064-0
  • Cultured Autologous Corneal Epithelia for the Treatment of Unilateral Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency: A Case Series of 15 Patients, Lucie Germain, Richard Bazin, Ralph Kyrillos, Bartha M. Knoppers, François A. Auger, Anne Faucher, Mohib W. Morcos, Danielle Larouche, Louis-Philippe Guérin, Biomedicines, 2022, 10.3390/biomedicines10081958
  • Optimization of a cutaneous wound-healing model for the screening of pharmaceutical compounds, Moulin, V., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Laplante, A.F., Second Smith and Nephew International Symposium - Tissue Engineering 2000: Advances in Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials and Cell Signalling, 2000
  • Cancer Spheroids Embedded in Tissue-Engineered Skin Substitutes: A New Method to Study Tumorigenicity In Vivo, Lucie Germain, Guillaume St-Jean, DONG HYUN KIM, Danielle Larouche, Mbarka Bchetnia, Amélie Morissette, Bettina Cattier, MinJoon Kim, Ludivine Dubourget, Emilie J. Doucet, Henri De Koninck, Karel Ferland, Martin Barbier, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 10.3390/ijms25031513
  • Tissue-engineered human vascular media with a functional endothelin system, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., D'Orléans-Juste, P., Pouliot, S., Labonté, J., Roberge, C.J., Laflamme, K., Circulation, 2005, 10.1161/01.CIR.0000153850.53419.50
  • Contribution of the WNK1 kinase to corneal wound healing using the tissue-engineered human cornea as an in vitro model, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Couture, C., Desjardins, P., Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2019, 10.1002/term.2912
  • In vitro reconstruction of a human capillary-like network in a tissue- engineered skin equivalent, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., L'Heureux, N., Berthod, F., Black, A.F., FASEB Journal, 1998, 10.1096/fasebj.12.13.1331
  • Structural and Functional Validation of a Full-Thickness Self-Assembled Skin Equivalent for Disease Modeling, Jung U Shin, Dong Hyun Kim, Lucie Germain, Israël Martel, Carolyne Simard-Bisson, Aram Kim, Su-Ji Shon, Bo Ram Mok, Pharmaceutics, 2022, 10.3390/pharmaceutics14061211
  • Mechanical properties of human skin equivalents submitted to cyclic tensile forces, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Yahia, L., Lafrance, H., Skin Research and Technology, 1998, 10.1111/j.1600-0846.1998.tb00115.x
  • Tendons and Ligament Tissue Engineering, Hart, D.A., Germain, L., Chabaud, S., Simon, F., Lamontagne, J., Cloutier, R., Auger, F.A., Goulet, F., Principles of Tissue Engineering: Fourth Edition, 2013, 10.1016/B978-0-12-398358-9.00059-8
  • Tissue-engineered skin preserving the potential of epithelial cells to differentiate into hair after grafting, Germain, L., Paquet, C., Cuffley, K., Larouche, D., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2011, 10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0403
  • Human epithelial stem cells persist within tissue-engineered skin produced by the self-assembly approach, Germain, L., Fradette, J., Pouliot, R., Kim, D.H., Dunnwald, M., Sauvé, S., Robitaille, H., Desgagné, M., Paquet, C., Larouche, D., Goyer, B., Beauparlant, A., Fugère, C., Lavoie, A., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2013, 10.1089/ten.tea.2012.0117
  • What's new in human wound-healing myofibroblasts?, Germain, L., Castilloux, G., O'Connor-McCourt, M., Auger, F.A., Moulin, V., Garrel, D., Current topics in pathology. Ergebnisse der Pathologie, 1999, 10.1007/978-3-642-58456-5_13
  • Modulated response to cytokines of human wound healing myofibroblasts compared to dermal fibroblasts, Germain, L., O'Connor-McCourt, M.D., Garrel, D., Auger, F.A., Castilloux, G., Moulin, V., Experimental Cell Research, 1998, 10.1006/excr.1997.3827
  • Engineering human tissues for in vivo applications: Storage and translational issues for tissue repair and regeneration, Germain, L., Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings, 2002
  • Human fibroblast-derived ECM as a scaffold for vascular tissue engineering, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Labbé, R., Lavoie, A., Larouche, D., Gauvin, R., Bourget, J.-M., Biomaterials, 2012, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.09.015
  • Cyclic traction machine for long-term culture of fibroblast-populated collagen gels, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Stevens, P.-P., Lord, C., Bouchard, S., Rancourt, D., Langelier, E., Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 1999, 10.1114/1.166
  • In vitro evaluation of the angiostatic potential of drugs using an endothelialized tissue-engineered connective tissue, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Tremblay, P.-L., Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2005, 10.1124/jpet.105.089524
  • Potential of newborn and adult stem cells for the production of vascular constructs using the living tissue sheet approach, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Remy, M., Duchesneau, D., Gauvin, R., Bourget, J.-M., BioMed Research International, 2015, 10.1155/2015/168294
  • Endothelium properties of a tissue-engineered blood vessel for small-diameter vascular reconstruction, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Oligny, J.-F., Laganière, J., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2004, 10.1016/j.jvs.2003.08.007
  • Expression of heat shock proteins in mouse skin during wound healing, Germain, L., Tanguay, R.M., Morrow, G., Li, H., Landry, J., Auger, F.A., Moulin, V., Laplante, A.F., Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 1998, 10.1177/002215549804601109
  • A Role for DLK in Microtubule Reorganization to the Cell Periphery and in the Maintenance of Desmosomal and Tight Junction Integrity, Germain, L., Hirai, S.-I., Blouin, R., Guérin, S.L., Larouche, D., Bidoggia, J., Simard-Bisson, C., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2017, 10.1016/j.jid.2016.07.035
  • Microstructured human fibroblast-derived extracellular matrix scaffold for vascular media fabrication, Germain, L., Veres, T., Auger, F.A., Ruel, J., Labbé, R., Tremblay, C., Tondreau, M.Y., Mounier, M., Miville-Godin, C., Guillemette, M.D., Gauvin, R., Bourget, J.-M., Laterreur, V., Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2017, 10.1002/term.2146
  • A Newly Developed Chemically Defined Serum-Free Medium Suitable for Human Primary Keratinocyte Culture and Tissue Engineering Applications, Lucie Germain, Alain Garnier, Sylvain Guérin, Julie Fradette, Danielle Larouche, Amélie Morissette, Emilie Jolibois, Andréanne Cartier, Gaëtan Le-Bel, Meryem Safoine, Imad Debbah, Emilie J. Doucet, Martin A. Barbier, Sergio Cortez Ghio, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 10.3390/ijms24031821
  • Development of an in vitro angiogenesis model within an endothelialized reconstructed dermis to study angiogenic and angiostatic molecules, Auger, F.A., Damour, O., Germain, L., Black, A.F., Berthod, F., Hudon, V., Second Smith and Nephew International Symposium - Tissue Engineering 2000: Advances in Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials and Cell Signalling, 2000
  • Use of in vitro reconstructed skin to cover skin flap donor site, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Damour, O., Xu, W., Berthod, F., Li, H., Journal of Surgical Research, 1997, 10.1006/jsre.1997.5229
  • Regeneration of skin and cornea by tissue engineering, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Carrier, P., Fradette, J., Paquet, C., Larouche, D., Methods in Molecular Biology, 2009, 10.1007/978-1-59745-060-7_15
  • Regenerative medicine: Stem cells, cellular and matricial interactions in the reconstruction of skin and cornea by tissue engineering,La médecine régénératrice : les cellules souches, les interactions cellulaires et matricielles dans la reconstruction cutanée et cornéenne par génie tissulaire, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Beauparlant, A., Carrier, P., Paquet, C., Proulx, S., Lavoie, A., Larouche, D., Pathologie Biologie, 2009, 10.1016/j.patbio.2008.04.015
  • Vibrissa hair bulge houses two populations of skin epithelial stem cells distinct by their keratin profile, Germain, L., Coulombe, P.A., Fradette, J., Tong, X., Larouche, D., FASEB Journal, 2008, 10.1096/fj.07-8109com
  • The mixed lineage kinase leucine-zipper protein kinase exhibits a differentiation-associated localization in normal human skin and induces keratinocyte differentiation upon overexpression, Blouin, R., Nadeau, A., Grondin, G., Guignard, R., Robitaille, H., Fradette, J., Germain, L., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2000, 10.1046/j.1523-1747.2000.00024.x
  • IFATS collection: Using human adipose-derived stem/stromal cells for the production of new skin substitutes, Fradette, J., Vincent, C., Germain, L., Marceau-Fortier, G., Trottier, V., Stem Cells, 2008, 10.1634/stemcells.2008-0031
  • The mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase dual leucine zipper-bearing kinase (DLK) acts as a key regulator of keratinocyte terminal differentiation, Germain, L., Blouin, R., Robitaille, K., Proulx, R., Robitaille, H., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2005, 10.1074/jbc.M411619200
  • Effect of intense pulsed light treatment on human skin in vitro: Analysis of immediate effects on dermal papillae and hair follicle stem cells, Germain, L., Beaumont, C., Ratté, G., Kim, D.H., Larouche, D., British Journal of Dermatology, 2013, 10.1111/bjd.12477
  • Morphologic and Functional Properties of Bronchial Cells Isolated from Normal and Asthmatic Subjects, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Xu, W., Beutet, M., Laviolette, M., Dubé, J., Tremblay, N., Chakir, J., Boulet, L.-P., Goulet, F., American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, 1996, 10.1165/ajrcmb.15.3.8810634
  • Erratum: Skin substitutes and wound healing (Skin Pharmacol Physiol (2009) 22: 2 (94-102) DOI: 10.1159/000178868), Germain, L., Lacroix, D., Auger, F.A., Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 2012
  • Contribution of the Transcription Factors Sp1/Sp3 and AP-1 to Clusterin Gene Expression during Corneal Wound Healing of Tissue-Engineered Human Corneas, Sylvain L. Guérin, Lucie Germain, Manel Benhassine, Pascale Desjardins, Gaëtan Le-Bel, Christelle Gross, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 10.3390/ijms222212426
  • Tissue engineering of the vascular system: From capillaries to larger blood vessels, Auger, F., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Germain, L., Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2000, 10.1007/BF02344782
  • Comparative study of bovine, porcine and avian collagens for the production of a tissue engineered dermis, Berthod, F., Germain, L., Gariépy, C., Cliche, S., Gauvin, R., Parenteau-Bareil, R., Acta Biomaterialia, 2011, 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.06.020
  • Minimal contraction for tissue-engineered skin substitutes when matured at the air-liquid interface, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Guignard, R., Marcoux, H., Larouche, D., Gauvin, R., Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2013, 10.1002/term.543
  • Mechanisms of wound reepithelialization: Hints from a tissue-engineered reconstructed skin to long-standing questions, Moulin, V., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Laplante, A.F., FASEB Journal, 2001, 10.1096/fj.01-0250com
  • Differential Nitric Oxide Responses in Primary Cultured Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts to Visible and Near-Infrared Light, Lucie Germain, Daniel Barolet, Brice Magne, Augustin C. Barolet, Antioxidants, 2024, 10.3390/antiox13101176
  • Role of the extracellular matrix proteins in the resistance of SP6.5 uveal melanoma cells toward cisplatin., Petitclerc, E., Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Paquet-Bouchard, C., Collin, C., Talbot, M., Bérubé, M., International journal of oncology, 2005, 10.3892/ijo.26.2.405
  • Normal human epithelial cells regulate the size and morphology of tissue-engineered capillaries, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Berthod, F., Baker, K., Roberge, C.J., Tomasetig, F., Fortin, V., Fradette, J., Rochon, M.-H., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2010, 10.1089/ten.tea.2009.0090
  • Tissue-engineered vascular substitutes: New models toward successful small diameter grafts, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Lacroix, D., D'Orléans-Juste, P., Advances in Vascular Medicine, 2010, 10.1007/978-1-84882-637-3_9
  • Production of Tissue-Engineered Skin Substitutes for Clinical Applications: Elimination of Serum, Lucie Germain, Julie Fradette, Danielle Larouche, Meryem Safoine, Brice Magne, Étienne Savard, Martin A. Barbier, Sergio Cortez Ghio, Emilie J. Doucet, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 10.3390/ijms241612537
  • Effect of 27-MHz radiofrequency on hair follicles: Histological evaluation of skin treated Ex Vivo, Larouche, D., Germain, L., Beaumont, C., Ratté, G., Lavoie, A., Kim, D.H., Dermatologic Surgery, 2015, 10.1097/DSS.0000000000000324
  • Comparison of the direct burst pressure and the ring tensile test methods for mechanical characterization of tissue-engineered vascular substitutes, Germain, L., Bourget, J.-M., Tondreau, M., Lacroix, D., Tremblay, C., Vallières, K., Auger, F.A., Ruel, J., Laterreur, V., Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2014, 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.02.017
  • In Vivo Evaluation and Imaging of a Bilayered Self-Assembled Skin Substitute Using a Decellularized Dermal Matrix Grafted on Mice, Auger, F.A., Gauvin, R., Germain, L., Moulin, V.J., Larouche, D., Guignard, R., Perron, C., Goyer, B., Beaudoin Cloutier, C., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2017, 10.1089/ten.tea.2016.0296
  • Extracellular matrix deposition by fibroblasts is necessary to promote capillary-like tube formation in vitro, Auger, F.A., Tremblay, N., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2006, 10.1002/jcp.20584
  • Polyphenols modulate calcium-independent mechanisms in human arterial tissue-engineered vascular media, Andriantsitohaina, R., Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Labbé, R., Laflamme, K., Diebolt, M., Journal of Vascular Surgery, 2007, 10.1016/j.jvs.2007.05.031
  • Harvesting the potential of the human umbilical cord: Isolation and characterisation of four cell types for tissue engineering applications, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Gauvin, R., Guignard, R., Rémy, M., Galbraith, T., Fradette, J., Hayward, C.J., Cells Tissues Organs, 2012, 10.1159/000341254
  • The self-assembly approach as a tool for the tissue engineering of a bi-lamellar human cornea, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Couture, C., Desjardins, P., Le-Bel, G., Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020, 10.1007/978-1-0716-0599-8_8
  • Tissue engineering of skin and cornea: Development of new models for in vitro studies, Germain, L., Guérin, S.L., Fradette, J., Auger, F.A., Duranceau, L., Martel, I., Carrier, P., Robitaille, H., Gaudreault, M., Simard-Bisson, C., Proulx, S., Bisson, F., Larouche, D., Paquet, C., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2010, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2009.05373.x
  • Cuspal dehiscence at a post and along the stent cloth in a bovine pericardium heart valve implanted for seven years, Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Rochette-Drouin, O., Guzman, R., Gauvin, R., Li, B., Klein, J., Cianciulli, T., Bes, T.M., Guidoin, R., Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 2012, 10.1615/JLongTermEffMedImplants.v22.i2.10
  • Contribution of Sp1 to telomerase expression and activity in skin keratinocytes cultured with a feeder layer, Germain, L., Guérin, S.L., Auger, F.A., Boudreau, F., Damour, O., Landreville, S., Rochette, P.J., Zaniolo, K., Bourget, J.-M., Paquet, C., Bisson, F., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2015, 10.1002/jcp.24706
  • Morphological changes of human skin cells exposed to a DC electric field In vitro using a new exposure system, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Plante, M., Goulet, D., Bourdages, M., Rancourt, D., Moulin, V., Méthot, S., Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2001, 10.1002/cjce.5450790428
  • Amnion and ocular surface problems,Amnios et problèmes de surface oculaire, Germain, L., Boisjoly, H., Bouchard, C., Giasson, C.J., Medecine/Sciences, 2006, 10.1051/medsci/20062267639
  • A novel single-step self-assembly approach for the fabrication of tissue-engineered vascular constructs, Germain, L., Nerem, R.M., Auger, F.A., Dubé, J., Lévesque, P., Larouche, D., Ahsan, T., Gauvin, R., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2010, 10.1089/ten.tea.2009.0313
  • Investigation of ultrashort pulse laser ablation of the cornea and hydrogels for eye microsurgery, Kieffer, J.-C., Vidal, F., Parent, M., Ozaki, T., Olivié, G., Martin, F., Lavertu, P.-L., Germain, L., Chaker, M., Brunette, I., Bigaouette, N., Zhou, S., Girard, G., Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2004, 10.1117/12.567111
  • Applications of the tissue-engineered human blood vessel reconstructed by the self-assembly approach, Guillaume, G., Karina, L., Murielle, R.-Z., François, A., Lucie, G., Third Smith and Nephew International Symposium - Translating Tissue Engineering into Products, 2002
  • Biofabrication and preclinical evaluation of a large-sized human self-assembled skin substitute, Moulin, V.J., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Attiogbe, É., Ayoub, A., Mayrand, D., Kawecki, F., Biomedical Materials (Bristol), 2021, 10.1088/1748-605X/abbdbe
  • Impact of cell source on human cornea reconstructed by tissue engineering, Germain, L., Guérin, S.L., Auger, F.A., Giasson, C.J., Gauvin, R., Talbot, M., Audet, C., Deschambeault, A., Carrier, P., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2009, 10.1167/iovs.08-2001
  • Impact of Exosomes Released by Different Corneal Cell Types on the Wound Healing Properties of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells, Sylvain L. Guérin, Lucie Germain, Sylvain Chemtob, Stéphanie Proulx, Véronique J. Moulin, François Gros-Louis, Vincent Roy, Gaëtan Le-Bel, Camille Couture, Rébecca Berthiaume, Pascale Desjardins, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 10.3390/ijms232012201
  • Improved Methods to Produce Tissue-Engineered Skin Substitutes Suitable for the Permanent Closure of Full-Thickness Skin Injuries, Germain, L., Moulin, V.J., Auger, F.A., Gauvin, R., Lavoie, A., Ayoub, A., Martel, I., Guignard, R., Desgagné, M., Cantin-Warren, L., Larouche, D., BioResearch Open Access, 2016, 10.1089/biores.2016.0036
  • Surface topography induces 3D self-orientation of cells and extracellular matrix resulting in improved tissue function, Auger, F.A., Veres, T., Germain, L., Toner, M., Dumoulin, M., Deschambeault, A., Carrier, P., Esch, M.B., Giasson, C.J., Gauvin, R., Roy, E., Cui, B., Guillemette, M.D., Integrative Biology, 2009, 10.1039/b820208g
  • Selective culture of epithelial cells from primary breast carcinomas using irradiated 3T3 cells as feeder layer, Têtu, B., Auger, F., Germain, L., Tremblay, N., Goulet, F., Wang, C.S., Pathology Research and Practice, 2001, 10.1078/0344-0338-00030
  • Tissue engineering of feline corneal endothelium using a devitalized human cornea as carrier, Germain, L., Brunette, I., Giasson, C.J., Carrier, P., Deschambeault, A., D'Arc Uwamaliya, J., Audet, C., Proulx, S., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2009, 10.1089/ten.tea.2008.0208
  • Immune tolerance of tissue-engineered skin produced with allogeneic or xenogeneic fibroblasts and syngeneic keratinocytes grafted on mice, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Bernier, V., Pruneau, V., Veillette, N., Kim, D.H., Larouche, D., Goyer, B., Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.04.010
  • Mechanism of potentiation by polyphenols of contraction in human vein-engineered media, Andriantsitohaina, R., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Diebolt, M., American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2005, 10.1152/ajpheart.01194.2004
  • Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Symposium of the Xle Entretiens du Centre Jacques Cartier, Lyon, December 1998: Editorial, Germain, L., Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2000, 10.1007/bf02344777
  • Considerations in the choice of a skin donor site for harvesting keratinocytes containing a high proportion of stem cells for culture in vitro, Germain, L., Genest, H., Auger, F.A., Bouchard, M., Roy, A., Têtu, F.-A., Gauvin, R., Beauparlant, A., Paquet, C., Larouche, D., Fradette, J., Fugère, C., Lavoie, A., Burns, 2011, 10.1016/j.burns.2010.09.004
  • Can we produce a human corneal equivalent by tissue engineering?, Guérin, S.L., Salesse, C., Auger, F.A., Carrier, P., Germain, L., Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 2000, 10.1016/S1350-9462(00)00005-7
  • Optimization of culture conditions for porcine corneal endothelial cells, Germain, L., Brunette, I., Auger, F.A., Giasson, C.J., Carrier, P., Deschambeault, A., Martel, S., Gagnon, N., Bourget, J.-M., Proulx, S., Molecular Vision, 2007
  • Design of an Innovative Method for Measuring the Contractile Behavior of Engineered Tissues, Lucie Germain, Véronique J. Moulin, Robert Gauvin, Danielle Larouche, Christian Martel, Carolyne Simard-Bisson, Brice Magne, Étienne Savard, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, 2024, 10.1089/ten.tec.2024.0228
  • Characterization of wound reepithelialization using a new human tissue-engineered corneal wound healing model, Germain, L., Guérin, S.L., Auger, F.A., Giasson, C.J., Talbot, M., Deschambeault, A., Carrier, P., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2008, 10.1167/iovs.07-0904
  • Normal human Merkel cells are present in epidermal cell populations isolated and cultured from glabrous and hairy skin sites, Germain, L., Roy, A., Caouette-Laberge, L., Couture, V., Beauparlant, A., Guignard, R., Fugère, C., Larouche, D., Fradette, J., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2003, 10.1046/j.1523-1747.2003.12024.x
  • Keratin 19 as a biochemical marker of skin stem cells in vivo and in vitro: Keratin 19 expressing cells are differentially localized in function of anatomic sites, and their number varies with donor age and culture stage, Germain, L., Royal, A., Gaudreau, P., Lussier, M., Godbout, M.-J., Török, N., Michel, M., Journal of Cell Science, 1996
  • CSDE1 attenuates microRNA-mediated silencing of PMEPA1 in melanoma, Simard, M.J., Gebauer, F., Germain, L., Goyer, B., Harvey, L.-M., Houle, F., Guitart, T., Kakumani, P.K., Oncogene, 2021, 10.1038/s41388-021-01767-9
  • Fetal and postnatal sera differentially modulate human dermal fibroblast phenotypic and functional features in vitro, Germain, L., O'Connor-McCourt, M., Auger, F.A., Moulin, V., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 1997, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4652(199704)171:1<1::AID-JCP1>3.0.CO;2-S
  • Grafting of an autologous tissue-engineered human corneal epithelium to a patient with limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD), Bazin, R., Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Mouriaux, F., Carrier, P., Guérin, L.-P., Le-Bel, G., American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports, 2019, 10.1016/j.ajoc.2019.100532
  • Adherens junction proteins are expressed in collagen corneal equivalents produced in vitro with human cells, Germain, L., Carrier, P., Deschambeault, A., Giasson, C.J., Molecular Vision, 2014
  • Prospective study on the treatment of lower-extremity chronic venous and mixed ulcers using tissue-engineered skin substitute made by the self-assembly approach, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Moulin, V.J., Larouche, D., Rochon, M.-H., Dubé, N., Ospina, C.E., Arsenault, F., Roy, M., Soucy, J., Rodrigue, B., Labbé, R., Genest, H., Cloutier, C.B., Boa, O., Advances in Skin and Wound Care, 2013, 10.1097/01.ASW.0000433102.48268.2a
  • Shear stress induced MAPKinases activation in endothelial cells cultured on vascular prostheses, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Bordenave, L., Bareille, R., Oligny, J.F., Daculsi, R., Fernandez, Ph., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2004
  • Simultaneous isolation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts from a human cutaneous biopsy for the production of autologous reconstructed skin, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Gauthier, M.-J., Rochon, M.-H., Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2001, 10.1002/cjce.5450790427
  • Transplantation of a tissue-engineered corneal endothelium reconstructed on a devitalized carrier in the feline model, Brunette, I., Germain, L., Brunette, I., Devaux, A., Uwamaliya, J.D., Audet, C., Nada, O., Bensaoula, T., Proulx, S., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2009, 10.1167/iovs.08-2793
  • A novel cylindrical biaxial computer-controlled bioreactor and biomechanical testing device for vascular tissue engineering, Gleason Jr., R.L., Michaels, T.E., Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Gauvin, R., Wan, W., Raykin, J., Zaucha, M.T., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2009, 10.1089/ten.tea.2008.0369
  • Tissue engineering: A tool to understand the physiological mechanisms,Le génie tissulaire au service de la compréhension du vivant, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Goulet, F., Moulin, V., Medecine/Sciences, 2003, 10.1051/medsci/200319101003
  • The Human Neonatal Skin Fibroblast, an Available Cell Source for Tissue Production and Transplantation, Exhibits Low Risk of Immunogenicity In Vitro, Lucie Germain, Chanel Beaudoin-Cloutier, Danielle Larouche, Amélie Morissette, Martin A. Barbier, Étienne Savard, Karel Ferland, Brice Magne, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2024, 10.3390/ijms25136965
  • Mechanical loading modulates the differentiation state of vascular smooth muscle cells, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Labbé, R., Baker, K., Guignard, R., Bergeron, F., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Grenier, G., Tissue Engineering, 2006, 10.1089/ten.2006.12.3159
  • Interleukin-10 controls the protective effects of circulating microparticles from patients with septic shock on tissue-engineered vascular media, Andriantsitohaina, R., Germain, L., Asfar, P., Mercat, A., Leonetti, D., Martinez, M.C., Meziani, F., Bourget, J.-M., Mostefai, H.A., Clinical Science, 2013, 10.1042/CS20120441
  • Hair follicles guide nerve migration in vitro and in vivo in tissue-engineered skin, Berthod, F., Germain, L., Gingras, M., Parenteau-Bareil, R., Larouche, D., Gagnon, V., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2011, 10.1038/jid.2011.34
  • Comparison of Two Human Skin Cell Isolation Protocols and Their Influence on Keratinocyte and Fibroblast Culture, Lucie Germain, Salvador Arias-Santiago, Danielle Larouche, Brice Magne, Martin A. Barbier, Álvaro Sierra-Sánchez, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 10.3390/ijms241914712
  • Multistep production of bioengineered skin substitutes: Sequential modulation of culture conditions, Goulet, F., Germain, L., Juhasz, J., Noël, P., Guignard, R., Tremblay, N., Pouliot, R., Auger, F.A., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 2000, 10.1290/1071-2690(2000)036<0096:MPOBSS>2.3.CO;2
  • Collagen fibril network and elastic system remodeling in a reconstructed skin transplanted on nude mice, Auger, F.A., Damour, O., Xu, W., Li, H., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Matrix Biology, 2001, 10.1016/S0945-053X(01)00162-7
  • From newborn to adult: Phenotypic and functional properties of skin equivalent and human skin as a function of donor age, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., L'Heureux, N., Michel, M., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 1997, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4652(199705)171:2<179::AID-JCP8>3.0.CO;2-L
  • The graft of a human endothelializated reconstructed skin accelerates the time of revascularization, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Hudon, V., Tremblay, P.-L., Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress, 2004
  • Human Organ-Specific 3D Cancer Models Produced by the Stromal Self-Assembly Method of Tissue Engineering for the Study of Solid Tumors, Bolduc, S., Gros-Louis, F., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Landreville, S., Moulin, V.J., Laverdière, I., Fradette, J., Piquet, L., Grammond, E., Chabaud, S., Blais, M., Vaillancourt-Audet, M., Magne, B., Roy, V., BioMed Research International, 2020, 10.1155/2020/6051210
  • Specialized Living Wound Dressing Based on the Self-Assembly Approach of Tissue Engineering, Lucie Germain, François A. Auger, Danielle Larouche, Sergio Cortez Ghio, Rina Guignard, Laurence Cantin-Warren, Journal of Functional Biomaterials, 2018, 10.3390/jfb9030053
  • Can marine mammals be a reliable source for the manufacture of prosthetic heart valves for percutaneous surgery?, Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Guzman, R., Gauvin, R., Klein, J., Li, B., Bes, T.M., Lagaude, A., Reed, R.R., Guidoin, R., Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, 2012, 10.1615/JLongTermEffMedImplants.v22.i2.20
  • Irradiated Human Fibroblasts as a Substitute Feeder Layer to Irradiated Mouse 3T3 for the Culture of Human Corneal Epithelial Cells: Impact on the Stability of the Transcription Factors Sp1 and NFI, Sylvain L. Guérin, Lucie Germain, Francis Bisson, Louis-Philippe Guérin, Sergio Cortez Ghio, Gaëtan Le-Bel, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 10.3390/ijms20246296
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  • Qualitatively monitoring binding and expression of the transcription factors Sp1 and NFI as a useful tool to evaluate the quality of primary cultured epithelial stem cells in tissue reconstruction, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Larouche, D., Cortez Ghio, S., Le-Bel, G., Methods in Molecular Biology, 2019, 10.1007/7651_2018_153
  • Role of wound healing myofibroblasts on re-epithelialization of human skin, Germain, L., Garrel, D., Auger, F.A., Moulin, V., Burns, 2000, 10.1016/S0305-4179(99)00091-1
  • The tissue-engineered human cornea as a model to study expression of matrix metalloproteinases during corneal wound healing, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Patenaude, J., Lake, J., Carrier, P., Zaniolo, K., Couture, C., Biomaterials, 2016, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2015.11.006
  • Recent advances in the development of tissue-engineered vascular media made by self-assembly, Germain, L., Veres, T., Auger, F.A., Ruel, J., Mounier, M., Miville-Godin, C., Gauvin, R., Guillemette, M., Laterreur, V., Bourget, J.-M., Procedia Engineering, 2013, 10.1016/j.proeng.2013.05.111
  • Applications of human tissue-engineered blood vessel models to study the effects of shed membrane microparticles from T-lymphocytes on vascular function, Germain, L., Andriantsitohaina, R., Martinez, M.C., Auger, F.A., Mostefai, H.A., Soleti, R., Porro, C., Robitaille, H., Bourget, J.-M., Pricci, M., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2009, 10.1089/ten.tea.2007.0360
  • Expression of the α5 integrin gene in corneal epithelial cells cultured on tissue-engineered human extracellular matrices, Guérin, S.L., Salesse, C., Germain, L., Bazin, R., Deschambault, A., Carrier, P., Gaudreault, M., Zaniolo, K., Lake, J., Biomaterials, 2013, 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2013.05.007
  • A Floating Thrombus Anchored at the Proximal Anastomosis of a Woven Thoracic Graft Mimicking a Genuine Aortic Dissection, Guidoin, R., Jing, Z., Germain, L., Douville, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, L., Guzman, R., Bourget, J.-M., Lin, J., Rochette-Drouin, O., Verdant, A., Bondarenko, O., Fu, Y., Liu, B., Li, B., Journal of long-term effects of medical implants, 2015, 10.1615/jlongtermeffmedimplants.2015012263
  • Establishment and characterization of a new cell line derived from a human primary breast carcinoma, Têtu, B., Germain, L., Champetier, S., Auger, F., Drouin, R.E., Lavoie, J., Goulet, F., Wang, C.S., Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 2000, 10.1016/S0165-4608(99)00253-8
  • Reconstruction of a human cornea by the self-assembly approach of tissue engineering using the three native cell types, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Guérin, S.L., Giasson, C.J., Audet, C., Deschambeault, A., Carrier, P., Uwamaliya, J.D., Proulx, S., Molecular Vision, 2010
  • Tissue engineering of human cornea, Guérin, S.L., Gaudreault, M., Giasson, C.J., Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Carrier, P., Guillemette, M., Proulx, S., Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine in Ophthalmology, 2009, 10.1533/9781845697433.1.150
  • Tissue engineering [3], Auger, F.A., Germain, L., L'Heureux, N., Science, 1999
  • Severe oily ichthyosis in monozygotic twins mimicking Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome but not associated with a mutation of the CGI58 gene [10], Davignon, J., Dufour, R., Bernier, L., Germain, L., Solomon, C., Archives of Dermatology, 2006, 10.1001/archderm.142.3.402
  • Isolation and culture of human keratinocytes, Germain, L., Larouche, D., Lavoie, A., Le-Bel, G., Cortez Ghio, S., Methods in Molecular Biology, 2019, 10.1007/978-1-4939-9473-1_1
  • Restoration of the transepithelial potential within tissue-engineered human skin in vitro and during the wound healing process in vivo, Moulin, V.J., Germain, L., Plante, M., Bourdages, M., Goulet, D., Auger, F.A., Roberge, C.J., Gauvin, R., Lévesque, P., Rochette-Drouin, O., Dubé, J., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2010, 10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0030
  • TGF-β receptor expression on human keratinocytes: A 150 kDa GPI- anchored TGF-β1 binding protein forms a heteromeric complex with type I and type II receptors, Philip, A., Germain, L., Tam, B.Y.Y., Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 1998, 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4644(19980915)70:4<573::AID-JCB13>3.0.CO;2-I
  • Adventitia contribution to vascular contraction: Hints provided by tissue-engineered substitutes, Germain, L., D'Orléans-Juste, P., Auger, F.A., Cardiovascular Research, 2007, 10.1016/j.cardiores.2007.06.001
  • Erratum: Antiangiogenic effects of the oral administration of liquid cartilage extract in humans (Journal of Surgical Research (1999) 87:1 (108- 113)), Garrel, D.R., Dupont, E., Elkhouri, S., Gaudreau, P., Saint-Cyr, M., Germain, L., Thibodeau, A., Berbari, P., Journal of Surgical Research, 2000, 10.1006/jsre.2000.5849
  • Rescue of the transcription factors Sp1 and NFI in human skin keratinocytes through a feeder-layer-dependent suppression of the proteasome activity, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Masson-Gadais, B., Rochette, P.J., Touzel-Deschênes, L., Vigneault, F., Gaudreault, M., Duval, C., Journal of Molecular Biology, 2012, 10.1016/j.jmb.2012.01.021
  • Use of human vessels and human vascular smooth muscle cells in pharmacology, Auger, F., Germain, L., Martinez, C., L'heureux, N., Andriantsitohaina, R., Stoclet, J.-C., Cell Biology and Toxicology, 1996, 10.1007/BF00438149
  • Storage and translational issues in reparative medicine: Breakout session summary, Kocsis, J.D., Ratner, B.D., Lee, R.C., Germain, L., Brockbank, K., Anderson, D.K., Toner, M., Kocsis, J.D., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2002, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2002.tb03101.x
  • Skin substitutes and wound healing, Germain, L., Lacroix, D., Auger, F.A., Skin Pharmacology and Physiology, 2009, 10.1159/000178868
  • Comparison of the pig and feline models for full thickness corneal transplantation, Proulx, S., Germain, L., Nada, O., Abderrahman, M., Carrier, M., Rosolen, S.G., Brunette, I., Veterinary Ophthalmology, 2011, 10.1111/j.1463-5224.2011.00886.x
  • Production of tissue-engineered three-dimensional human bronchial models, Goulet, F., Boulet, L.P., Boutet, M., Germain, L., Laviolette, M., Auger, F.A., Bernier, V., Tremblay, P., Paquette, J.S., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 2003, 10.1290/1543-706x(2003)039<0213:potthb>2.0.co;2
  • Tissue-engineered vascular adventitia with vasa vasorum improves graft integration and vascularization through inosculation, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Labbé, R., Perron, C., Gauvin, R., Guillemette, M.D., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2010, 10.1089/ten.tea.2009.0612
  • Tissue-engineered human skin substitutes developed from collagen-populated hydrated gels: Clinical and fundamental applications, Germain, L., Moulin, V., Berthod, F., Goulet, F., Rouabhia, M., Auger, F.A., Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 1998, 10.1007/BF02518887
  • Peptides from milk protein hydrolysates to improve the growth of human keratinocytes in culture, Auger, F.A., Ory-Salam, C., Lemay, M., Turgeon, S., Germain, L., Amiot, J., International Dairy Journal, 2004, 10.1016/j.idairyj.2003.11.007
  • Dynamic mechanical stimulations induce anisotropy and improve the tensile properties of engineered tissues produced without exogenous scaffolding, Germain, L., Bolduc, S., Auger, F.A., Bonnet, A., Bisson, F., Marcoux, H., Larouche, D., Parenteau-Bareil, R., Gauvin, R., Acta Biomaterialia, 2011, 10.1016/j.actbio.2011.05.034
  • Canadian haematopoietic stem cell scientists received the Lasker Award,Des Canadiens «précurseurs de la recherche sur les cellules souches hématopoïétiques» lauréats du prix Lasker, Paquet, C., Larouche, D., Germain, L., Medecine/Sciences, 2006, 10.1051/medsci/2006222212
  • Generation of High-Titer Self-Inactivated γ-Retroviral Vector Producer Cells, Caruso, M., Germain, L., Pope, E., Barbier, M., Dakiw-Piaceski, A., Roy, S., Boivin-Welch, M., Ghani, K., Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development, 2019, 10.1016/j.omtm.2019.05.013
  • Are the Effects of the Cholera Toxin and Isoproterenol on Human Keratinocytes’ Proliferative Potential Dependent on Whether They Are Co-Cultured with Human or Murine Fibroblast Feeder Layers?, , International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 10.3390/ijms19082174
  • Correlation between structural changes and acute thrombogenicity in transcatheter pericardium valves after crimping and balloon deployment,Corrélation entre les altérations structurales et la thrombogénicité aiguë des valves percutanées en péricarde après sertissage et expansion, Guidoin, R., Zhang, Z., Germain, L., Wang, L., Merkel, N.O., Xu, T., Fu, Y., Mao, J., Convelbo, C., Merhi, Y., Wawryko, P., Lin, J., Zegdi, R., Bourget, J.-M., Morphologie, 2017, 10.1016/j.morpho.2016.06.003
  • Characterization of a 150 kDa accessory receptor for TGF-β1 on keratinocytes: Direct evidence for a GPI anchor and ligand binding of the released form, Philip, A., Hooper, N.M., Germain, L., Larouche, D., Tam, B.Y.Y., Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 2001, 10.1002/jcb.1074
  • Human adipose-derived stromal cells for the production of completely autologous self-assembled tissue-engineered vascular substitutes, Auger, F.A., Fradette, J., Germain, L., Ruel, J., Tondreau, M.Y., Laterreur, V., Vallières, K., Acta Biomaterialia, 2015, 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.06.011
  • A completely biological tissue-engineered human blood vessel, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Labbé, R., Pâquet, S., L'Heureux, N., FASEB Journal, 1998, 10.1096/fasebj.12.1.47
  • Grafting on nude mice of living skin equivalents produced using human collagens, Auger, F.A., Goulet, F., Guignard, R., Xu, W., Rouabhia, M., Germain, L., López Valle, C.A., Transplantation, 1996, 10.1097/00007890-199608150-00003
  • Differential binding of the transcription factors Sp1, AP-1, and NFI to the promoter of the human α5 integrin gene dictates its transcriptional activity, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Drouin, R., Leclerc, S., Zaniolo, K., Masson-Gadais, B., Gingras, M.-È., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2009, 10.1167/iovs.08-2059
  • In vitro comparison of human plasma-based and self-assembled tissue-engineered skin substitutes: two different manufacturing processes for the treatment of deep and difficult to heal injuries, Lucie Germain, Salvador Arias-Santiago, Danielle Larouche, Anabelle Demers, Martin A Barbier, Karel Ferland, Christian Martel, Etienne Savard, Brice Magne, Álvaro Sierra-Sánchez, Burns & Trauma, 2023, 10.1093/burnst/tkad043
  • Irradiated human dermal fibroblasts are as efficient as mouse fibroblasts as a feeder layer to improve human epidermal cell culture lifespan, Germain, L., Guérin, S.L., Auger, F.A., Damour, O., Simard-Bisson, C., Zaniolo, K., Larouche, D., Lavoie, A., Rochefort, É., Bisson, F., International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, 10.3390/ijms14034684
  • Human tissue engineered blood vessels: A novel support for vascular biology and pharmacology research,Vaisseaux humains reconstitués par génie tissulaire, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Laflamme, K., Stoclet, J.-C., Medecine/Sciences, 2004, 10.1051/medsci/2004206-7675
  • Mechanical properties of tissue-engineered vascular constructs produced using arterial or venous cells, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Hayward, C., Aubé, D., Marcoux, H., Larouche, D., Bourget, J.-M., Galbraith, T., Guillemette, M., Gauvin, R., Tissue Engineering - Part A, 2011, 10.1089/ten.tea.2010.0613
  • Strategies integrating gene therapy and tissue engineering into the development of treatments for recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, Germain, L., Caruso, M., Ghani, K., Bisson, F., Larouche, D., Piaceski, A.D., Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB): Prevalence, Clinical Manifestations and Management, 2016
  • The antiwrinkle effect of topical concentrated 2-dimethylaminoethanol involves a vacuolar cytopathology, Marceau, F., Germain, L., Morissette, G., British Journal of Dermatology, 2007, 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.07681.x
  • Autologous transplantation of rabbit limbal epithelia cultured on fibrin gels for ocular surface reconstruction, Germain, L., Bazin, R., Auger, F.A., Guérin, S.L., Deschambeault, A., Giasson, C.J., Carrier, P., Talbot, M., Molecular Vision, 2006
  • Autologous bilayered self-assembled skin substitutes (Sasss) as permanent grafts: A case series of 14 severely burned patients indicating clinical effectiveness, Auger, F.A., Moulin, V.J., Knoppers, B.M., Bernier, V., Nguyen, M.T., Lee, J., Leclerc, Y., Kanevsky, J., Boghossian, E., Bussière, A., Dumas, A., Caouette-Laberge, L., Genest, H., Cloutier, C.B., Bortoluzzi, P., Duranceau, L., Perreault, I., Nedelec, B., Larouche, D., Germain, L., European Cells and Materials, 2018, 10.22203/eCM.v036a10
  • Transcriptional regulation of the human α6 integrin gene by the transcription factor NFI during corneal wound healing, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Carrier, P., Leclerc, S., Gingras, M.-E., Vigneault, F., Gaudreault, M., Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2008, 10.1167/iovs.08-1913
  • Adventitia contribution in vascular tone: Insights from adventitia-derived cells in a tissue-engineered human blood vessel, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., D'Orléans-Juste, P., Labbé, R., Baker, K., Pouliot, S., Rémy-Zolghadri, M., Grenier, G., Roberge, C.J., Laflamme, K., FASEB Journal, 2006, 10.1096/fj.05-4702fje
  • The feeder layer-mediated extended lifetime of cultured human skin keratinocytes is associated with altered levels of the transcription factors Sp1 and Sp3, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Lefort, N.R., Leclerc, S., Paquet, C., Fugère, C., Masson-Gadais, B., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2006, 10.1002/jcp.20529
  • Impact of ultraviolet radiation on dermal and epidermal DNA damage in a human pigmented bilayered skin substitute, Germain, L., Martin, L., Rochette, P.J., Kearns-Turcotte, S., Larouche, D., Magne, B., Pereira, U., Goyer, B., Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 2019, 10.1002/term.2959
  • Production of bioengineered cancer tissue constructs in vitro: Epithelium-mesenchyme heterotypic interactions, Têtu, B., Germain, L., Tremblay, N., Auger, F., Goulet, F., Wang, C.S., In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Animal, 2001, 10.1290/1071-2690(2001)037<0434:POBCTC>2.0.CO;2
  • Differential expression of collagens XII and XIV in human skin and in reconstructed skin, Auger, F.A., Van Der Rest, M., Damour, O., Garrone, R., Lethias, C., Guignard, R., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 1997, 10.1111/1523-1747.ep12292122
  • The Red Kangaroo pericardium as a material source for the manufacture of percutaneous heart valves,Le péricarde du kangourou roux comme source d'approvisionnement de matériel pour la fabrication de valves cardiaques percutanées, Guidoin, R., Germain, L., Zhang, Z., How, D., Philippe, E., Reed, R.R., Bourget, J.M., Le-Bel, G., Rouse, E.N., Mao, J., Meng, S., Morphologie, 2019, 10.1016/j.morpho.2018.12.004
  • Evolution of three dimensional skin equivalent models reconstructed in vitro by tissue engineering, Damour, O., Auger, F.A., Braye, F., Bechetoille, N., Kinikoglu, B., Germain, L., Lequeux, C., Fradette, J., Auxenfans, C., European Journal of Dermatology, 2009, 10.1684/ejd.2008.0573
  • Adaptation of a standardized self-reported cost questionnaire specific for the severe burn injury population (BI-CoPaQ), Jason Robert Guertin, Chanel Beaudoin Cloutier, Lucie Germain, Véronique J. Moulin, Thomas G. Poder, Sue-Ling Chang, Laurianne Bélanger, Maude Laberge, Maria-Eugenia Espinoza-Moya, Burns, 2024, 10.1016/j.burns.2024.07.008
  • Functional genomic screening identifies dual leucine zipper kinase as a key mediator of retinal ganglion cell death, Zack, D.J., Quigley, H.A., Yau, K.-W., Hanes, J., Inglese, J., Nickells, R.W., Diantonio, A., Hauswirth, W.W., Marsh-Armstrong, N., Merbs, S.L., Boye, S.L., Enke, R.A., Davis, C.-H.O., Nguyen, J.V., Blouin, R., Simard-Bisson, C., Germain, L., Hirai, S.-I., Xue, T., Auld, D., Han, B., Cao, L.-H., Fu, J., Fuller, J., Hackler Jr., L., Berlinicke, C.A., Martin, S.E., Zhou, X., Mitchell, K.L., Ge, Y., Yang, Z., Welsbie, D.S., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 10.1073/pnas.1211284110
  • Limb salvage after aneurysmal degeneration of a cryopreserved vein allograft: Searching the autologous veins of the arm is worth the effort,Sauvetage de membre après dégénération anévrysmale d'une homogreffe veineuse : l'effort de recherche des veines autologues du bras est justifié, Guidoin, R., Germain, L., Wang, L., Zhang, Z., Zhou, T., Philippe, E., How, D., Le-Bel, G., Mao, Y., Wawryko, P., Mao, J., Febrer, G., Tong, Y., Morphologie, 2020, 10.1016/j.morpho.2020.05.001
  • Improvement of the vascularization of a human endothelialized reconstructed skin graft on athymic mice, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Black, A.F., Berthod, F., Hudon, V., Second Smith and Nephew International Symposium - Tissue Engineering 2000: Advances in Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials and Cell Signalling, 2000
  • 27.12 MHz Radiofrequency Ablation for Benign Cutaneous Lesions, Larouche, D., Germain, L., Beaumont, C., Piquette, R., Hyun, D.J., Kim, D.H., BioMed Research International, 2016, 10.1155/2016/6016943
  • Human keratinocytes respond to direct current stimulation by increasing intracellular calcium: Preferential response of poorly differentiated cells, Germain, L., Moulin, V.J., Plante, M., Bourdages, M., Goulet, D., Auger, F.A., Roberge, C.J., Gauvin, R., Lévesque, P., Rochette-Drouin, O., Dubé, J., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2012, 10.1002/jcp.23008
  • Reconstructed human cornea produced in vitro by tissue engineering, Guérin, S.L., Boisjoly, H., Giasson, M., Guignard, R., Grandbois, E., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Pathobiology, 1999, 10.1159/000028064
  • A comparative study of bovine and porcine pericardium to highlight their potential advantages to manufacture percutaneous cardiovascular implants, Guidoin, R., Germain, L., Zhang, Z., Guzman, R., Larouche, D., Li, B., Klein, J., Mehri, Y., Marinov, G., Gauvin, R., Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 2013, 10.1177/0885328212465482
  • Peel Test to Assess the Adhesion Strength of the Dermal-Epidermal Junction in Tissue-Engineered Skin, Germain, L., Pope, E., Caruso, M., Gauvin, R., Larouche, D., Barbier, M.A., Dakiw-Piaceski, A., Larose, A.E., Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods, 2020, 10.1089/ten.tec.2019.0268
  • Physical characterization of the stratum corneum of an in vitro human skin equivalent produced by tissue engineering and its comparison with normal human skin by ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and thermal analysis (DSC), Juhasz, J., Tremblay, N., Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Pouliot, R., Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1999, 10.1016/S1388-1981(99)00086-4
  • A Computer-Controlled Apparatus for the Characterization of Mechanical and Viscoelastic Properties of Tissue-Engineered Vascular Constructs, Germain, L., Auger, F.A., Larouche, D., Gauvin, R., Levesque, P., Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology, 2011, 10.1007/s13239-011-0033-y
  • Regulation of skin collagen metabolism in vitro using a pulsed 660 nm led light source: Clinical correlation with a single-blinded study, Germain, L., Boucher, A., Auger, F.A., Roberge, C.J., Barolet, D., Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2009, 10.1038/jid.2009.186
  • Identification of epithelial stem cells in vivo and in vitro using keratin 19 and BrdU., Germain, L., Simard-Bisson, C., Paquet, C., Lavoie, A., Larouche, D., Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 2010, 10.1007/978-1-60761-380-0_27
  • Fetal and adult human skin fibroblasts display intrinsic differences in contractile capacity, Germain, L., Philip, A., O'Connor-McCourt, M.D., Auger, F.A., Castilloux, G., Tam, B.Y.Y., Moulin, V., Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2001, 10.1002/jcp.1110
  • Production of a Bilayered Self-Assembled Skin Substitute Using a Tissue-Engineered Acellular Dermal Matrix, Auger, F.A., Moulin, V.J., Germain, L., Lacroix, D., Lavoie, A., Larouche, D., Gauvin, R., Bernard, G., Guignard, R., Beaudoin Cloutier, C., Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods, 2015, 10.1089/ten.tec.2015.0258
  • A human tissue-engineered vascular media: A new model for pharmacological studies of contractile responses, Andriantsitohaina, R., Germain, L., Lagaud, G.J.-L., Auger, F.A., Stoclet, J.-C., L'Heureux, N., FASEB Journal, 2001, 10.1096/fj.00-0283com
  • A new construction technique for tissue-engineered heart valves using the self-Assembly method, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Lacroix, D., Tondreau, M.Y., Vallières, K., Laterreur, V., Bourget, J.-M., Ruel, J., Tremblay, C., Tissue Engineering - Part C: Methods, 2014, 10.1089/ten.tec.2013.0698
  • Inosculation of tissue-engineered capillaries with the host's vasculature in a reconstructed skin transplanted on mice, Auger, F.A., Germain, L., Berthod, F., Hudon, V., Tremblay, P.-L., American Journal of Transplantation, 2005, 10.1111/j.1600-6143.2005.00790.x
  • Qualitatively monitoring binding and expression of the transcription factor sp1 as a useful tool to evaluate the reliability of primary cultured epithelial stem cells in tissue reconstruction, Guérin, S.L., Germain, L., Larouche, D., Gaudreault, M., Methods in Molecular Biology, 2013, 10.1007/978-1-62703-330-5_11
  • Engineering human tissues for in vivo applications, Auger, F.A., Berthod, F., Moulin, V., Goulet, F., Germain, L., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2002, 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2002.tb03099.x
  • Connaissance, perception et définition du concept « Patient Partenaire de Soins » : qu’en pensent les professionnels de santé impliqués en éducation thérapeutique ?: Résultats d'une enquête nationale, Philip Böhme, Olivier Ziegler, J Mathieu, Mohamed Omar Younsi, Benoît Pétré, Lucie Germain, Phi Linh Nguyen-Thi, Madeline Voyen, Partenariat soin patient analyses, 2020, 10.46298/pspa.14139
  • MMP-2 expression in uveal melanoma: Differential activation status dictated by the cellular environment, Guérin, S.L., Petitclerc, E., Germain, L., Boucher, M., Deschambeault, A., Bérubé, M., Molecular Vision, 2005
  • Mechanical properties of endothelialized fibroblast-derived vascular scaffolds stimulated in a bioreactor, Auger, F.A., Ruel, J., Germain, L., Tremblay, C., Lacroix, D., Bourget, J.-M., Vallières, K., Gauvin, R., Laterreur, V., Tondreau, M.Y., Acta Biomaterialia, 2015, 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.02.026

Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs

Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*

Depuis 2009
  • Martin Alexandre Barbier - Doctorat - En cours
  • Henri De Koninck - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
  • Anne-Julie Bernier - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
  • Karel Ferland - Doctorat - En cours
  • Augustin C. Barolet - Doctorat - En cours
  • Bettina Cattier - Doctorat - En cours
  • Ludivine Dubourget - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
  • Isabel Celac - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
  • Francis Bisson - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2012/05
  • Jean-Michel Bourget - Doctorat - 2014/05
  • Benjamin Goyer - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2015/01
  • Carolyne Simard-Bisson - Doctorat - 2015/09
  • Chanel Beaudoin-Cloutier - Doctorat - 2016/05
  • Camille Couture - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2016/05
  • Angela Dakiw Piaceski - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2016/09
  • Pascale Desjardins - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2018/09
  • Michael Boivin-Welch - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2019/01
  • Gaëtan Le Bel - Doctorat - 2020/05
  • Alex Larose - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2021/05
  • Sergio Cortez Ghio - Doctorat - 2021/09
  • Emilie Doucet - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2022/05
  • Anabelle Demers - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2022/05
  • Etienne Savard - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2023/09

Encadrement d'étudiant(e)s

Direction de recherche dans les domaines suivants :

  • Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire
  • Sciences cliniques et biomédicales

En savoir plus sur les programmes

Disponibilité d'encadrement d'étudiant(e)s

Ce (cette) professeur(e) est présentement à la recherche d'étudiant(e)s.

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*Les supervisions d’étudiant(e)s de 1er cycle en stage de recherche et de résident(e)s aux études médicales postdoctorales seront répertoriées ultérieurement.