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Martin Simoneau

Professeur titulaire

Institut sur le vieillissement et la participation sociale des aînés
Centre thématique de recherche en neurosciences
Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale
Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale
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Contribution à la recherche

Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :

Santé et bien-être durables

Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :

Neurosciences et santé mentale
Perte d’autonomie et réadaptation

Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :

Appareil locomoteur et arthrite
  • Activité locomotrice/troubles du mouvement
  • Lésions musculosquelettiques et réparations
  • Scoliose
Neurosciences, santé mentale et toxicomanies
  • Activité nerveuse et synaptique
  • Maladies neurologiques
  • Maladies neuromusculaires
  • Système moteur
  • Système somato-sensoriel
  • Troubles vestibulaires
Santé de la mère, des enfants et des adolescents
Organismes vivants (êtres humains - Psychologie/aspects biologiques)
  • Intégration sensorimotrice
  • Sensation et perception

Projets de recherche

  • Ingénierie de technologies interactives en réadaptation - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies, Université Laval - Fonds internes - Regroupements stratégiques NT, Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2019-04-01 au 2026-03-31
  • Sensorimotor processing and body motion perception - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada - Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe), chercheur principal - 2020-04-01 au 2025-03-31
  • Help from a phantom head to recover brain electrocortical signals - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies - Projet subsidiaire d'un regroupement stratégique (pour fins de gestion au VRRCI), Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2023-09-01 au 2024-09-01
  • Développement et validation de tests pour mesurer la relation force-vitesse chez les golfeurs et golfeuses - MITACS Inc. - Accélération Québec (MITACS et gouvernement provincial), chercheur principal - 2023-09-01 au 2024-04-30
  • Comparing algorithms for assessing brain oscillations during electrical vestibular stimulation - Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé - Réseaux thématiques de recherche, Université de Sherbrooke, co-chercheur - 2022-12-01 au 2024-03-31
  • Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of a postural re-education intervention compared to standard care on scoliosis progression in adolescent - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, Université de Montréal, co-chercheur - 2021-03-01 au 2022-02-28


  • Sensorimotor Control Impairment in Young Adults With Idiopathic Scoliosis Compared With Healthy Controls, Simoneau, M., Descarreaux, M., Mercier, P., Pialasse, J.-P., Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 2016, 10.1016/j.jmpt.2016.06.001
  • Reduced plantar sole sensitivity induces balance control modifications to compensate ankle tendon vibration and vision deprivation, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Handrigan, G.A., Billot, M., Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology, 2015, 10.1016/j.jelekin.2014.06.003
  • Behavioral and Electrocortical Response to a Sensorimotor Conflict in Individuals with Fibromyalgia, Catherine Mercier, Laurence Mouchnino, Jean Blouin, Anne Marie Pinard, Clémentine Brun, Martin Simoneau, Tania Augière, Brain Sciences, 2023, 10.3390/brainsci13060931
  • A procedure to detect abnormal sensorimotor control in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis, Simoneau, M., Descarreaux, M., Mercier, P., Pialasse, J.-P., Gait and Posture, 2017, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.05.032
  • Lower-limb power cannot be estimated accurately from vertical jump tests, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Basset, F.-A., Tessier, J.-F., Journal of Human Kinetics, 2013, 10.2478/hukin-2013-0040
  • Generalization of vestibular learning to earth-fixed targets is possible but limited when the polarity of afferent vestibular information is changed, Simoneau, M., Mackrous, I., Neuroscience, 2014, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.12.002
  • Alternative avenues in the assessment of driving capacities in older drivers and implications for training, Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Hudon, C., Gamache, P.-L., Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2010, 10.1177/0963721410388641
  • Evidence for cognitive vestibular integration impairment in idiopathic scoliosis patients, Blouin, J., Teasdale, N., Mercier, P., Hutin, T., Lamothe, V., Simoneau, M., BMC Neuroscience, 2009, 10.1186/1471-2202-10-102
  • Increased plasma levels of toxic pollutants accompanying weight loss induced by hypocaloric diet or by bariatric surgery, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Marceau, S., Marceau, P., Doré, J., Berrigan, F., Simoneau, M., Marcotte, J., Hue, O., Obesity Surgery, 2006, 10.1381/096089206778392356
  • Hypnosis to manage musculoskeletal and neuropathic chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, , Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2022, 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104591
  • Plasma concentration of organochlorine compounds is associated with age and not obesity, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Marceau, S., Marceau, P., Doré, J., Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., Marcotte, J., Hue, O., Chemosphere, 2007, 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.10.033
  • Increased risk for falling associated with obesity: Mathematical modeling of postural control, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Rancourt, D., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2001, 10.1109/7333.928572
  • I tap myself, and you tap me: bimanual predictive and reactive grip force control as a function of age, Martin Simoneau, Maxime T. Robert, Catherine Mercier, Atika Omerani, Sahian Numata, Experimental Brain Research, 2024, 10.1007/s00221-024-06925-5
  • Tactile Detection in Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis, , Frontiers in Pain Research, 2021, 10.3389/fpain.2021.740897
  • Insights into the control of arm movement during body motion as revealed by EMG analyses, Simoneau, M., Guerraz, M., Bresciani, J.-P., Guillaud, E., Blouin, J., Brain Research, 2010, 10.1016/j.brainres.2009.10.063
  • Visual inspections made by young and elderly drivers before lane changing, Laurendeau, D., Simoneau, M., Ngân, N., Tremblay, M., Teasdale, N., Lavallière, M., Advances in Transportation Studies, 2007
  • Is abnormal vestibulomotor responses related to idiopathic scoliosis onset or severity?, Simoneau, M., Blouin, J., Descarreaux, M., Laurendeau, S., Pialasse, J.-P., Medical Hypotheses, 2013, 10.1016/j.mehy.2012.11.035
  • Naturalistic study of stop-controlled intersections negotiation and respect for speed limits in drivers aged 65 and over,Étude naturalistique de la négociation des intersections et du respect des limites de vitesse chez les conducteurs âgés de 65 ans et plus, Teasdale, N., Laurendeau, D., Moskowicz, T., Lavallière, M., Simoneau, M., Robitaille, M.G., Bluteau, C., Choukou, M.-A., Recherche Transports Securite, 2014, 10.4074/S0761898014004051
  • Sensory reweighting is altered in adolescent patients with scoliosis: Evidence from a neuromechanical model, Simoneau, M., Mercier, P., Descarreaux, M., Pialasse, J.-P., Gait and Posture, 2015, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2015.08.013
  • The vestibular-evoked postural response of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis is altered, Simoneau, M., Blouin, J., Mercier, P., Descarreaux, M., Pialasse, J.-P., PLoS ONE, 2015, 10.1371/journal.pone.0143124
  • Kinetic strategies of patients with shoulder impingement syndrome, Simoneau, M., Denninger, M., Delacroix, S., Doiron, Y., Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2010, 10.1002/jor.20940
  • Large postural sways prevent foot tactile information from fading: neurophysiological evidence, , Cerebral Cortex Communications, 2020
  • Effect of bracing or surgical treatments on balance control in idiopathic scoliosis: Three case studies, Simoneau, M., Pialasse, J.-P., Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 2014
  • Neural consequences of increasing body weight: Evidence from somatosensory evoked potentials and the frequency-specificity of brain oscillations, Mouchnino, L., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Lhomond, O., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016, 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00318
  • Attenuation of human neck muscle activity following repeated imposed trunk-forward linear acceleration, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Bélanger-Gravel, A., Descarreaux, M., Blouin, J.-S., Experimental Brain Research, 2003, 10.1007/s00221-003-1466-9
  • Cortical dynamics of sensorimotor information processing associated with balance control in adolescents with and without idiopathic scoliosis, Simoneau, M., Duclos, C., Lippé, S., Knoth, I.S., Pialasse, J.-P., Fortin, C., Clinical Neurophysiology, 2019, 10.1016/j.clinph.2019.07.005
  • Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease: Review and bottom-up rehabilitative approaches, Martin Simoneau, Luc Defebvre, Arnaud Delval, Frederic J.F. Viseux, Neurophysiologie Clinique, 2020, 10.1016/j.neucli.2020.10.013
  • Supplementary motor area and superior parietal lobule restore sensory facilitation prior to stepping when a decrease of afferent inputs occurs, Mouchnino, L., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Lhomond, O., Frontiers in Neurology, 2019, 10.3389/fneur.2018.01132
  • Motor Responses of Lumbar Erector Spinae Induced by Electrical Vestibular Stimulation in Seated Participants, , Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021, 10.3389/fnhum.2021.690433
  • Weight loss and muscular strength affect static balance control, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Marceau, S., Marceau, P., Corbeil, P., Simoneau, M., Hue, O., Handrigan, G., International Journal of Obesity, 2010, 10.1038/ijo.2009.300
  • Quantifying forearm and wrist joint power during unconstrained movements in healthy individuals, Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Laurendeau, S., Flores, D.C., Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2014, 10.1186/1743-0003-11-157
  • Ankle torque variance is a better indicator of balance control performance than plantar perceptual sensitivity threshold, Martin Simoneau, Grant Handrigan, Maxime Billot, Frederic J. F. Viseux, Journal of Applied Physiology, 2024, 10.1152/japplphysiol.00091.2024
  • On the Dynamics of Spatial Updating, , Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2022, 10.3389/fnins.2022.780027
  • Two Neural Circuits to Point Towards Home Position After Passive Body Displacements, Simoneau, M., Mouchnino, L., Manson, G.A., Pialasse, J.-P., Saradjian, A.H., Blouin, J., Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 2019, 10.3389/fncir.2019.00070
  • Changing lanes in a simulator: Effects of aging on the control of the vehicle and visual inspection of mirrors and blind spot, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Laurendeau, D., Lavallière, M., Traffic Injury Prevention, 2011, 10.1080/15389588.2010.548426
  • Adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis show decreased intermuscular coherence in lumbar paraspinal muscles: A new pathophysiological perspective, , Clinical Neurophysiology, 2022, 10.1016/j.clinph.2022.03.008
  • Pointing to a target from an upright position in human: Tuning of postural responses when there is target uncertainty, Bourdin, C., Corbeil, P., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Martin, O., Neuroscience Letters, 2000, 10.1016/S0304-3940(00)00801-6
  • Online control of anticipated postural adjustments in step initiation: Evidence from behavioral and computational approaches, Simoneau, M., Blouin, J., Ruget, H., Robert, G., Mouchnino, L., Gait and Posture, 2012, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2011.12.009
  • Balance control interferes with the tracing performance of a pattern with mirror-reversed vision in older persons, Teasdale, N., Blouin, J., Billot, M., Tessier, J.-F., Simoneau, M., Lemieux, L.G., Age, 2014, 10.1007/s11357-013-9601-4
  • Increased EEG alpha peak frequency in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis during balance control in normal upright standing, , Neuroscience Letters, 2020, 10.1016/j.neulet.2020.134836
  • Sensory integration during vibration of postural muscle tendons when pointing to a memorized target, Simoneau, M., De Oliveira, F.C.L., Robitaille, M.G., Furmanek, M.P., Teasdale, N., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2017, 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00682
  • Interaction-centric modelling for interactive virtual worlds: The APIA approach, Simoneau, M., Laurendeau, D., Poussart, D., Bernier, F., Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2002, 10.1109/ICPR.2002.1048208
  • Assessment of sensorimotor control in adults with surgical correction for idiopathic scoliosis, Simoneau, M., Descarreaux, M., Mercier, P., Pialasse, J.-P., European Spine Journal, 2016, 10.1007/s00586-016-4421-8
  • The impact of obesity on balance control in community-dwelling older women, Hue, O., Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Cantin, V., Corbeil, P., Handrigan, G.A., Dutil, M., Age, 2013, 10.1007/s11357-012-9386-x
  • Mental workload when driving in a simulator: Effects of age and driving complexity, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Lavallière, M., Cantin, V., Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2009, 10.1016/j.aap.2009.03.019
  • Updating visual space during passive and voluntary head-in-space movements, Gauthier, G.M., Vercher, J.-L., Simoneau, M., Labrousse, L., Blouin, J., Experimental Brain Research, 1998, 10.1007/s002210050495
  • Double-Step Paradigm in Microgravity: Preservation of Sensorimotor Flexibility in Altered Gravitational Force Field, , Frontiers in Physiology, 2020, 10.3389/fphys.2020.00377
  • Influence of obesity on accurate and rapid arm movement performed from a standing posture, Teasdale, N., Hue, O., Tremblay, A., Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., International Journal of Obesity, 2006, 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803342
  • Facilitation of cutaneous inputs during the planning phase of gait initiation, Simoneau, M., Blouin, J., Saradjian, A., Perrier, J., Tandonnet, C., Fontan, A., Mouchnino, L., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2015, 10.1152/jn.00668.2014
  • The influence of experimental low back pain on neural networks involved in the control of lumbar erector spinae muscles, Hugo Massé-Alarie, Catherine Mercier, Martin Simoneau, Rubens da Silva, Amélie Desgagnés, Guillaume Léonard, Mikaël Desmons, Antoine Rohel, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2022, 10.1152/jn.00030.2022
  • Somatotyping morphology, Rivard, C.-H., Simoneau, M., Hinse, S., Allard, P., Beaulieu, M., Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2005, 10.1615/CritRevPhysRehabilMed.v17.i4.50
  • Sensory deprivation and balance control in idiopathic scoliosis adolescent, Teasdale, N., Allard, P., Mercier, P., Richer, N., Simoneau, M., Experimental Brain Research, 2006, 10.1007/s00221-005-0246-0
  • Relationship between oscillations about the vertical axis and center of pressure displacements in single and double leg upright stance, Rivard, C.-H., Hazime, F.A., Dalleau, G., Simoneau, M., Allard, P., Beaulieu, M., American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2010, 10.1097/PHM.0b013e3181f1b4af
  • Guided by touch: Tactile Cues in Hand Movement Control, Jean Blouin, Laurence Mouchnino, Martin Simoneau, Francesco Massi, Dany Paleressompoulle, Cécile Sellin, Juliette Legros, Maria Evangelia Vlachou, 2024, 10.1101/2024.07.26.605248
  • Comparison of Spinal Cord Stimulation vs. Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation vs. Association of Both in Patients with Refractory Chronic Back and/or Lower Limb Neuropathic Pain: An International, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded, Crossover Trial (BOOST-DRG Study), , Medicina, 2021, 10.3390/medicina58010007
  • Short term alteration of balance control after a reduction of plantar mechanoreceptor sensation through cooling, Teasdale, N., Corbeil, P., Simoneau, M., Handrigan, G.A., Billot, M., Neuroscience Letters, 2013, 10.1016/j.neulet.2012.11.022
  • Integration of a feedforward corrective command: Synergy between pointing and posture, Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Teasdale, N., Martin, O., Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2000
  • Attentional demands while driving in a simulator: Effects of driving straights on open roads, approaching intersections and doubling maneuvers, Simoneau, M., Blouin, J., Desroches, G., Cantin, V., Teasdale, N., Advances in Transportation Studies, 2004
  • Cortical facilitation of somatosensory inputs using gravity-related tactile information in humans with vestibular hypofunction, Laurence Mouchnino, Jean Blouin, Michel Toupet, Martin Simoneau, Pascale Chavet, Amirreza Kebritchi, Chloé Sutter, Laura Beullier, Marie Fabre, Journal of Neurophysiology, 2023, 10.1152/jn.00406.2022
  • Effects of underestimating the kinematics of trunk rotation on simultaneous reaching movements: Predictions of a biomechanical model, Blouin, J., Guillaud, E., Simoneau, M., Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2013, 10.1186/1743-0003-10-54
  • Estimate of body motion during voluntary body sway movements, Simoneau, M., Couture, E., Gait and Posture, 2014, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2013.05.028
  • Driving in a simulator and lower limb movement variability in elderly persons: Can we infer something about pedal errors, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Blouin, J., Cantin, V., Advances in Transportation Studies, 2004
  • Bracing has no effect on standing balance in females with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, Simoneau, M., Hinse, S., Rivard, C.H., Gatto, L., Chavet, P., Barbier, F., Allard, P., Sadeghi, H., Medical Science Monitor, 2008
  • Effects of predictive mechanisms on head stability during forward trunk perturbation, Lee, W.A., Hain, T.C., Tinker, S.W., Simoneau, M., Experimental Brain Research, 2003, 10.1007/s00221-002-1305-4
  • Visuo-vestibular interaction: Predicting the position of a visual target during passive body rotation, Simoneau, M., Mackrous, I., Neuroscience, 2011, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.07.032
  • Standing Balance Performance and Knee Extensors' Strength in Diabetic Patients with Neuropathy., , Journal of applied biomechanics, 2020, 10.1123/jab.2019-0365
  • Role of loading on head stability and effective neck stiffness and viscosity, Hain, T.C., Denninger, M., Simoneau, M., Journal of Biomechanics, 2008, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2008.05.002
  • Aging reduces the ability to change grip force and balance control simultaneously, Simoneau, M., Mallau, S., Neuroscience Letters, 2009, 10.1016/j.neulet.2008.10.097
  • Seeing our hand or a tool during visually-guided actions: Different effects on the somatosensory and visual cortices, Jean Blouin, Laurence Mouchnino, Jérémy Danna, Martin Simoneau, Catherine Mercier, Simon Moré, Antonin Abillama, Benjamin Mathieu, Neuropsychologia, 2023, 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2023.108582
  • Obesity adds constraint on balance control and movement performance, Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Hue, O., Berrigan, F., Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2008
  • Motor variability latencies and postural stabilisation: A mathematical model to study the effect of obesity, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Rancourt, D., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2000
  • The effect of time to peak ankle torque on balance stability boundary: Experimental validation of a biomechanical model, Corbeil, P., Simoneau, M., Experimental Brain Research, 2005, 10.1007/s00221-005-2290-1
  • Is the brain able to capture a new temporal relationship between a motor action and its consequence?, Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., Experimental Brain Research, 2007, 10.1007/s00221-007-0929-9
  • Postural imbalance in non-treated adolescent idiopathic scoliosis at different periods of progression, Allard, P., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Rivard, C.-H., Gatto, L., Toulotte, C., Beaulieu, M., European Spine Journal, 2009, 10.1007/s00586-008-0831-6
  • The effects of moderate fatigue on dynamic balance control and attentional demands, Teasdale, N., Bégin, F., Simoneau, M., Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2006, 10.1186/1743-0003-3-22
  • Prediction in the vestibular control of arm movements, Simoneau, M., Guillaud, E., Bresciani, J.-P., Blouin, J., Multisensory Research, 2015, 10.1163/22134808-00002501
  • Influence of Sudden Changes in Foot Strikes on Loading Rate Variability in Runners, Martin Simoneau, Philippe C. Dixon, Jean-Sébastien Roy, Marie-Lyne Nault, Alexandre Thibault-Piedboeuf, Maxime Chabot, Sensors, 2024, 10.3390/s24248163
  • Balance control impairment in obese individuals is caused by larger balance motor commands variability, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Gait and Posture, 2015, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2014.10.008
  • Drivers with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Can Benefit from a Multiple-Session Driving Simulator Automated Training Program, Hudon, C., Duchesne, S., Bherer, L., Germain Robitaille, M., Laurendeau, D., Moszkowicz, T., Hudon, L., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2016, 10.1111/jgs.14219
  • Active training and driving-specific feedback improve older drivers' visual search prior to lane changes, Teasdale, N., Laurendeau, D., Tremblay, M., Simoneau, M., Lavallière, M., BMC Geriatrics, 2012, 10.1186/1471-2318-12-5
  • Balance control is altered in obese individuals, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Handrigan, G.A., Journal of Biomechanics, 2010, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2009.08.041
  • Postural dependence of human locomotion during gait initiation, Rogers, M.W., Simoneau, M., Mille, M.-L., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2014, 10.1152/jn.00436.2014
  • Aging yields a smaller number of fixations and a reduced gaze amplitude when driving in a simulator, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Cantin, V., Tremblay, M., Lavallière, M., Advances in Transportation Studies, 2006
  • Reducing weight increases postural stability in obese and morbid obese men, Marceau, S., Tremblay, A., Marceau, P., Doré, J., Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., Marcotte, J., Hue, O., Teasdale, N., International Journal of Obesity, 2007, 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803360
  • Controlling reaching movements during self-motion: Body-fixed versus earth-fixed targets, Blouin, J., Gauthier, G., Simoneau, M., Guillaud, E., Motor Control, 2006, 10.1123/mcj.10.4.330
  • Self-initiating a seated perturbation modifies the neck postural responses in humans, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Bélanger-Gravel, A., Descarreaux, M., Blouin, J.-S., Neuroscience Letters, 2003, 10.1016/S0304-3940(03)00632-3
  • Influence of risperidone on balance control in young healthy individuals, Pourcher, E., Cohen, H., Simoneau, M., Rodrigue, J., Corbeil, P., Psychopharmacology, 2012, 10.1007/s00213-011-2623-7
  • In-simulator training of driving abilities in a person with a traumatic brain injury, Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Tremblay, M., Lavallière, M., Gamache, P.-L., Brain Injury, 2011, 10.3109/02699052.2011.558039
  • A computer vision framework for the analysis and interpretation of the cephalo-ocular behavior of drivers, Simoneau, M., Beauchemin, S., Teasdale, N., Laurendeau, D., Moszkowicz, T., Prel, F., Metari, S., Machine Vision and Applications, 2013, 10.1007/s00138-011-0381-5
  • Predictors of weight loss in Parkinson's disease: Is weight loss the chicken or the egg? [4], Marceau, S., Marceau, P., Tremblay, A., Simoneau, M., Hue, O., Teasdale, N., Movement Disorders, 2007, 10.1002/mds.21203
  • Altered sensory-weighting mechanisms is observed in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis, Teasdale, N., Allard, P., Blouin, J., Mercier, P., Simoneau, M., BMC Neuroscience, 2006, 10.1186/1471-2202-7-68
  • The effects of muscle strength on center of pressure-based measures of postural sway in obese and heavy athletic individuals, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Corbeil, P., Hue, O., Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., Handrigan, G.A., Gait and Posture, 2012, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2011.08.012
  • Coordination between posture and movement: Interaction between postural and accuracy constraints, Teasdale, N., Martin, O., Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., Experimental Brain Research, 2006, 10.1007/s00221-005-0210-z
  • Body weight is a strong predictor of postural stability, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Marceau, S., Marceau, P., Doré, J., Berrigan, F., Marcotte, J., Simoneau, M., Hue, O., Gait and Posture, 2007, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2006.07.005
  • Proposal of 2 classes of gait coming from the clinical practice, Allard, P., Lepoutre, F.X., Sadeghi, H., Simoneau, M., Leteneur, S., Barbier, F., Gillet, C., Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 2004
  • Attentional demands for postural control: The effects of aging and sensory reintegration, Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Gait and Posture, 2001, 10.1016/S0966-6362(01)00134-5
  • Prediction of the body rotation-induced torques on the arm during reaching movements: Evidence from a proprioceptively deafferented subject, Blouin, J., Simoneau, M., Guillaud, E., Neuropsychologia, 2011, 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.03.035
  • Change in the natural head-neck orientation momentarily altered sensorimotor control during sensory transition, Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Laurendeau, S., Xu, I., Gait and Posture, 2017, 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2017.01.008
  • Aging and postural control: Postural perturbations caused by changing the visual anchor, Nougier, V., Fleury, M., Bard, C., Bourdin, C., Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 1999, 10.1111/j.1532-5415.1999.tb04584.x
  • Learning to use vestibular sense for spatial updating is context dependent, Simoneau, M., Carriot, J., Mackrous, I., Scientific reports, 2019, 10.1038/s41598-019-47675-7
  • Older adults with mild cognitive impairments show less driving errors after a multiple sessions simulator training program but do not exhibit long term retention, Hudon, C., Duchesne, S., Bherer, L., Laurendeau, D., Moszkowicz, T., Robitaille, M.G., Hudon, L., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016, 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00653
  • Less Vibrotactile Feedback Is Effective to Improve Human Balance Control during Sensory Cues Alteration, Martin Simoneau, Katia Turcot, Jean-Philippe Cyr, Noémie Anctil, Zachary Malenfant, Sensors, 2022, 10.3390/s22176432
  • Muscle force and force control after weight loss in obese and morbidly obese men, Teasdale, N., Tremblay, A., Marceau, S., Marceau, P., Marcotte, J., Simoneau, M., Berrigan, F., Hue, O., Obesity Surgery, 2008, 10.1007/s11695-008-9597-5
  • Improving spatial updating accuracy in absence of external feedback, Simoneau, M., Mackrous, I., Neuroscience, 2015, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2015.05.024
  • Balance control mechanisms do not benefit from successive stimulation of different sensory systems, Simoneau, M., Anctil, N., Cyr, J.-P., PLoS ONE, 2019, 10.1371/journal.pone.0226216

Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs

Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*

Depuis 2009
  • Nadim Fakhry - Doctorat - En cours
  • Atika Omerani - Doctorat - En cours
  • Jean-Philippe Cyr - Doctorat - En cours
  • Amira Cherif - Doctorat - En cours
  • Abdellah Hassar - Doctorat - En cours
  • Pierre-Olivier Desrosiers - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
  • Adam Andersen - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2013/05
  • Jean-Philippe Pialasse - Doctorat - 2015/05
  • Simon Laurendeau - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2015/09
  • Noémie Anctil - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2022/01
  • Sahian Alicia Maldonado Numata - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2023/09
  • Tania Augière - Doctorat - 2024/05
  • Maxime Chabot - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2024/09

Encadrement d'étudiant(e)s

Direction de recherche dans les domaines suivants :

  • Kinésiologie
  • Neurobiologie — Neurosciences
  • Sciences cliniques et biomédicales

En savoir plus sur les programmes

Disponibilité d'encadrement d'étudiant(e)s

Ce (cette) professeur(e) est présentement à la recherche d'étudiant(e)s.

Envoyer un courriel
*Les supervisions d’étudiant(e)s de 1er cycle en stage de recherche et de résident(e)s aux études médicales postdoctorales seront répertoriées ultérieurement.