Découvrez nos professeurs et professeures!
Mohsen Agharazii
Médecin clinicien enseignant titulaire

Contribution à la recherche
Axe de recherche de l'Université Laval :
Santé et bien-être durables
Thématiques de recherche de la Faculté de médecine :
Santé cardiovasculaire, respiratoire et métabolisme
Domaines et intérêts de recherche du (de la) professeur(e) :
Nutrition et métabolisme
- Désordres métaboliques
- Maladies rénales
- Système rénal
- Insuffisance rénale et malabsorption
Santé circulatoire et respiratoire
- Système cardiovasculaire
- Hypertension artérielle
Projets de recherche
- Towards a virtual cardiovascular system for understanding arterial stiffness and blood flow - Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie Canada - Subventions à la découverte SD (individuelles et d'équipe), chercheur principal - 2023-04-01 au 2028-03-31
- NéphroPsy - Intégration de la santé psychologique au continuum de soins des patients en insuffisance rénale chronique: un modèle de pratique innovante en milieu hospitalier - Fondation du CHU de Québec - Subvention de recherche clinique de la Fondation du CHU (PRCE), chercheur principal - 2024-10-24 au 2026-11-01
- Sustainable Exercise Habits and Vascular Health in Hemodialysis Patients - Fondation canadienne du rein - Subventions de recherche paramédicale en néphrologie, co-chercheur - 2024-07-01 au 2026-06-30
- Taking advantage of the High Interindividual Heterogeneity in the Expression of HLA molecules on Human Kidney Endothelial Cells to Personalize Immunotherapy - Fondation canadienne du rein - Subventions de recherche en santé des reins, co-chercheur - 2024-07-01 au 2026-06-30
- Développement d'une offre de soutien psychologique adaptée aux besoins des patients souffrants de maladies rénales chroniques au Québec - Fondation de l'Université Laval, chercheur principal - 2024-09-01 au 2026-04-30
- Blood pressure and vascular biomechanics: insights from numerical simulation models - MITACS Inc. - Accélération Québec (MITACS et gouvernement provincial), chercheur principal - 2023-11-27 au 2025-11-26
- Vers un test de détection rapide de l’hyperaldostéronisme pour soigner l’hypertension. - Fondation du CHU de Québec, chercheur principal - 2023-10-24 au 2025-11-01
- Identifying low bone turnover disease in chronic kidney disease in order to guide anti-fracture therapy - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, co-chercheur - 2020-10-01 au 2025-09-30
- Hydrochlorothiazide and accelerated CKD-related vascular calcification - Fondation canadienne du rein - Subventions de recherche en santé des reins, chercheur principal - 2023-07-01 au 2025-06-30
- Activités de réseautage de recherche en cardiologie, endocrinogie et néphrologie (CENNE) - Fondation de l'Université Laval, chercheur principal - 2022-05-01 au 2025-04-30
- Early Prediction of preeclampsia Using arteriaL Stiffness in high-risk prEgnancies; a multinational study (PULSE) - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, McGill University, co-chercheur - 2020-04-01 au 2025-03-31
- Cibler la pression artérielle centrale : Une étude pilote randomisée-contrôlée pragmatique pour les palients avec insuffisance rénale chronique avancée (CENTRAL-CKD) - Fondation canadienne du rein, Université de Montréal, co-chercheur - 2022-01-01 au 2025-01-01
- Effet de contrôle glycémique sur la progression de la stéatose hépatique au sein du REGISTRE-NASH du CHU de Québec-Université Laval - CHU de Québec – Université Laval – CHUL - Subvention en recherche clinique (PCRE), co-chercheur - 2024-01-23 au 2024-12-31
- Arterial stiffness gradient as a new index of vascular aging: impact of blood pressure lowering medication - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, chercheur principal - 2019-10-01 au 2024-09-30
- Transgenic rats overexpressing HDAC9 to explore the missing link between osteoporosis and vascular disease in chronic kidney disease - CHU de Québec – Université Laval – CHUL - Aide à la recherche, co-chercheur - 2023-06-21 au 2024-03-31
- Characterizing Cardiovascular Outcomes in Subclinical Primary Aldosteronism - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention Projet, Institut de recherche de l'Hôpital d'Ottawa, co-chercheur - 2021-04-01 au 2024-03-31
- Accelerated CKD-related vascular calcification: Role of thiazide-type, thiazide-like and loop diuretics - Fondation canadienne du rein, chercheur principal - 2020-10-01 au 2022-09-30
- Covid-19 effects on ARTErial StIffness and vascular AgiNg (CARTESIAN) study- Canada - Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada - Subvention de fonctionnement : Possibilité de financement sur les nouveaux besoins prioritaires en recherche sur la COVID-19, chercheur principal - 2021-06-01 au 2022-05-31
- Mécanismes de la rigidité aortique en insuffisance rénale chez l'humain - Fondation de l'Université Laval, chercheur principal - 2018-06-01 au 2022-04-30
- Traiter l’os pour prévenir l’hypertension et les maladies cardiovasculaires chez les femmes ménopausées. - Alliance santé Québec (AsQ), chercheur principal - 2021-05-01 au 2022-04-30
- RAGE-dependent activation of the oncoprotein Pim1 plays a critical role in systemic vascular remodeling processes., , Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 2011, 10.1161/atvbaha.111.230573
- Health literacy level in a various nephrology population from Québec: predialysis clinic, in-centre hemodialysis and home dialysis; a transversal monocentric observational study., , BMC nephrology, 2021, 10.1186/s12882-021-02464-1
- Determinants of Increased Central Excess Pressure in Dialysis: Role of Dialysis Modality and Arteriovenous Fistula., , American journal of hypertension, 2020, 10.1093/ajh/hpz136
- eNOS gene delivery prevents hypertension and reduces renal failure and injury in rats with reduced renal mass., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2011, 10.1093/ndt/gfr641
- Arterial and renal consequences of partial genetic deficiency in tissue kallikrein activity in humans, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1172/jci23669
- Feasibility of an Intradialytic Combined Exercise Program Targeting Older Adults With End-Stage Renal Disease., , Journal of aging and physical activity, 2021, 10.1123/japa.2020-0359
- Central blood pressures in early chronic kidney disease: an analysis of CARTaGENE., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2017, 10.1093/ndt/gfw059
- Changes in arterial stiffness indices during a single haemodialysis session in end-stage renal disease population: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol., Mohsen Agharazii, BMJ open, 2021, 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045912
- Aortic stiffness after living kidney donation: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Kevin D Burns, Edward G Clark, Ann Bugeja, Mohsen Agharazii, Kylie McNeill, Rosendo A Rodriguez, BMJ Open, 2024, 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082725
- Effectiveness of Haemodiafiltration with Heat Sterilized High-Flux Polyphenylene HF Dialyzer in Reducing Free Light Chains in Patients with Myeloma Cast Nephropathy., Desmeules S, De Serres SA, Agharazii M, Rousseau-Gagnon M, 2015, 10.1371/journal.pone.0140463
- Assessment of Stiffness of Large to Small Arteries in Multistage Renal Disease Model: A Numerical Study., Mohsen Agharazii, Frontiers in physiology, 2022, 10.3389/fphys.2022.832858
- 2013 Banff Criteria for Chronic Active Antibody-Mediated Rejection: Assessment in a Real-Life Setting., Houde I, Agharazii M, Latulippe E, Riopel J, Wagner E, Lapointe I, Noël R, Côté I, De Serres SA, 2016, 10.1111/ajt.13624
- Variation of Intra-Access Flow Early and Late into Hemodialysis, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00002480-200007000-00017
- The mystery of the recirculating dialysis catheter, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ki.2008.144
- 2,8-Dihydroxyadeninuria-induced progressive renal failure, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ndtplus/sfn110
- Advanced glycation end products, aortic stiffness, and wave reflection in peritoneal dialysis as compared to hemodialysis., Agharazii M, Larivière R, Marquis K, Loignon RC, De Serres SA, Ignace S, Utescu MS, Couture V, Mac-Way F, 2014, 10.1007/s11255-013-0597-6
- Green dialysate: asymptomatic perforated cholecystitis without peritonitis., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2006, 10.1093/ndt/gfk099
- Insights from ambulatory blood pressure monitoring: diagnosis of hypertension and diurnal blood pressure in renal transplant recipients, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.tp.0000115345.16853.51
- Role of oxidative stress in erythropoietin-induced hypertension in uremic rats., , American journal of hypertension, 2009, 10.1038/ajh.2009.242
- Incidence and severity of early electrolyte abnormalities following autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2007, 10.1093/ndt/gfm571
- Vascular remodeling and media calcification increases arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/10641963.2013.804541
- Heart rate dependent and independent effects of beta-blockers on central hemodynamic parameters: a propensity score analysis., Agharazii M, Madore F, Troyanov S, Dupuis D, Goupil R, 2016, 10.1097/hjh.0000000000000978
- Impact of Successive Office Blood Pressure Measurements During a Single Visit on Cardiovascular Risk Prediction: Analysis of CARTaGENE, Rémi Goupil, Mohsen Agharazii, François Madore, Annie-Claire Nadeau-Fredette, Louis-Charles Desbiens, Hypertension, 2023, 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.123.21510
- Donor-specific antibodies, C4d and their relationship with the prognosis of transplant glomerulopathy., De Serres SA, Batal I, Houde I, Agharazii M, Caumartin Y, Désy O, Wagner E, Côté I, Lapointe I, Noël R, Lesage J, 2015, 10.1097/tp.0000000000000310
- High calcium, phosphate and calcitriol supplementation leads to an osteocyte-like phenotype in calcified vessels and bone mineralisation defect in uremic rats., , Journal of bone and mineral metabolism, 2018, 10.1007/s00774-018-0919-y
- Arterial Stiffness Gradient., Agharazii M, Fortier C, 2016, 10.1159/000438852
- Antihypertensive and renal protective effects of renin-angiotensin system blockade in uremic rats treated with erythropoietin., , American journal of hypertension, 2006, 10.1016/j.amjhyper.2006.06.019
- Nonfasting non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol is adequate for lipid management in hemodialysis patients., , American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation, 2005, 10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.03.002
- Pharmacologic Therapies for Aortic Stiffness in End-Stage Renal Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., , Canadian journal of kidney health and disease, 2020, 10.1177/2054358120906974
- Association of Glomerular Hyperfiltration and Cardiovascular Risk in Middle-Aged Healthy Individuals., , JAMA network open, 2020, 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.2377
- Aortic-Brachial Pulse Wave Velocity Ratio: A Measure of Arterial Stiffness Gradient Not Affected by Mean Arterial Pressure, Mohsen Agharazii, Marie-Pier Desjardins, Catherine Fortier, Pulse, 2017, 10.1159/000480092
- Protective effects of angiotensin AT1 receptor blockade in malignant hypertension in the rat, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejphar.2009.01.040
- Neutralization of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Reduces Renal Fibrosis and Hypertension in Rats with Renal Failure, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000340033
- Continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration for the treatment of spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome complicated by acute renal failure and severe hyperuricemia., , Clinical nephrology, 2000
- Levels of Angiopoietin-Like-2 Are Positively Associated With Aortic Stiffness and Mortality After Kidney Transplantation., Agharazii M, Thorin E, Larivière R, De Serres SA, Fortier C, Sidibé A, Thorin-Trescases N, Desjardins MP, 2017, 10.1093/ajh/hpw208
- Advanced chronic kidney disease populations have elevated trimethylamine N-oxide levels associated with increased cardiovascular events., CanPREDDICT Investigators, Levin A, Rigatto C, Clase CM, Madore F, Holmes DT, Barrett B, Muirhead N, Tang M, Djurdjev O, Morse BL, Kim RB, 2016, 10.1016/j.kint.2016.01.014
- Effects of living kidney donation on arterial stiffness: a systematic review protocol., , BMJ open, 2021, 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045518
- 4D.07: ENDOTHELIN A RECEPTOR BLOCKADE REDUCES VASCULAR CALCIFICATION IN RATS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AND MINERAL DISORDERS., Lariviere R, Richard D, Mac-Way F, Ung RV, Gauthier-Bastien A, Agharazii M, 2015, 10.1097/01.hjh.0000467511.21263.68
- Chronic Interstitial Nephritis due to 5-Aminosalicylic Acid, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000013480
- Increased Excess Pressure After Creation of an Arteriovenous Fistula in End-Stage Renal Disease., Mohsen Agharazii, American journal of hypertension, 2022, 10.1093/ajh/hpab161
- Tumor necrosis factor inhibitors as novel therapeutic tools for vascular remodeling diseases., , American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 2010, 10.1152/ajpheart.00562.2010
- Inaccuracy of brachial blood pressure and its potential impact on treatment and aortic blood pressure estimation., , Journal of hypertension, 2021, 10.1097/hjh.0000000000002943
- The impact of arteriovenous fistulas on aortic stiffness in patients with chronic kidney disease., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2009, 10.1093/ndt/gfp276
- Prediction of Cardiovascular Events by Type I Central Systolic Blood Pressure: A Prospective Study., , Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2020, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.120.16163
- Impact of age on glomerular filtration estimates., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2008, 10.1093/ndt/gfn473
- Prediction and validation of hemodialysis duration in acute methanol poisoning., Agharazii M, Ghannoum M, Douville P, Julien AS, De Serres SA, Desmeules S, Mac-Way F, Lachance P, 2015, 10.1038/ki.2015.232
- In vivo quantification of central venous catheter leak., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2005, 10.1093/ndt/gfi247
- Captopril Suppression Versus Salt Loading in Confirming Primary Aldosteronism, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/01.hyp.37.6.1440
- Prediction of Cardiovascular Events by Pulse Waveform Parameters: Analysis of CARTaGENE., Mohsen Agharazii, Journal of the American Heart Association, 2022, 10.1161/jaha.122.026603
- Association of interleukin-6 with aortic stiffness in end-stage renal disease, Mohsen Agharazii, Richard Larivière, Sacha De Serres, Karine Marquis, Fabrice Mac-Way, Catherine Fortier, Aboubacar Sidibé, Marie-Pier Desjardins, Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, 2018, 10.1016/j.jash.2017.09.013
- Modulation of Arterial Stiffness Gradient by Acute Administration of Nitroglycerin., Mohsen Agharazii, Frontiers in physiology, 2021, 10.3389/fphys.2021.774056
- Local shear stress and brachial artery functions in end-stage renal disease., , Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN, 2007, 10.1681/asn.2006040400
- Impact of dialysate calcium concentration on the progression of aortic stiffness in patients on haemodialysis., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2011, 10.1093/ndt/gfr138
- Aortic-Femoral Stiffness Gradient and Cardiovascular Risk in Older Adults, Lee Stoner, Martin Bahls, Anna Kucharska-Newton, Aiden J. Chauntry, Gabriel Zieff, Craig Paterson, Christopher J.A. Pugh, Catherine Fortier, Mohsen Agharazii, James Faulkner, Michelle L. Meyer, Barry J. McDonnell, Simon Fryer, Keeron Stone, Hypertension, 2024, 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.124.23392
- Dual-kidney transplants as an alternative for very marginal donors: long-term follow-up in 63 patients., , Transplantation, 2010, 10.1097/tp.0b013e3181f8f2b8
- Forearm reactive hyperemia and mortality in end-stage renal disease, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1523-1755.2004.00434.x
- Central and Brachial Blood Pressures, Statins, and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: A Mediation Analysis., , Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2018, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.117.10476
- Endothelial Function and Chronic Exposure to Air Pollution in Normal Male Subjects, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1161/hypertensionaha.107.095844
- Active vitamin D and accelerated progression of aortic stiffness in hemodialysis patients: a longitudinal observational study., Agharazii M, Larivière R, Desmeules S, Douville P, Marquis K, De Serres SA, Mac-Way F, Fortier C, 2014, 10.1093/ajh/hpu057
- A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Nonpharmacologic-based Interventions for Aortic Stiffness in End-Stage Renal Disease., , Kidney international reports, 2019, 10.1016/j.ekir.2019.05.011
- IL-6 production by monocytes is associated with graft function decline in patients with borderline changes suspicious for acute T-cell-mediated rejection: a pilot study., , Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation, 2017, 10.1111/tri.13070
- Effects of acute variation of dialysate calcium concentrations on arterial stiffness and aortic pressure waveform., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2009, 10.1093/ndt/gfp351
- Coagulation anomalies, endothelial dysfunction, and aortic stiffness., , Kidney international, 2021, 10.1016/j.kint.2021.01.020
- Morning Plasma Aldosterone Predicts the Subtype of Primary Aldosteronism Independant of Sodium Intake, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10641960701195520
- Acute effects of cinacalcet on arterial stiffness and ventricular function in hemodialysis patients: A randomized double-blinded crossover study., , Medicine, 2017, 10.1097/md.0000000000006912
- Estimation of heparin leak into the systemic circulation after central venous catheter heparin lock., , Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation : official publication of the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal Association, 2005, 10.1093/ndt/gfh841
- Systolic blood pressure diurnal variation is not a predictor of renal target organ damage in kidney transplant recipients., , American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, 2004, 10.1046/j.1600-6143.2003.00326.x
- Impact of donor age on long-term outcomes after delayed graft function: 10-year follow-up, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/tri.12016
- Cohort profile: Canadian study of prediction of death, dialysis and interim cardiovascular events (CanPREDDICT)., CanPREDDICT investigators, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Clase CM, Holmes D, Muirhead N, Madore F, Brendan B, Rigatto C, Levin A, 2013, 10.1186/1471-2369-14-121
- Endothelin type A receptor blockade reduces vascular calcification and inflammation in rats with chronic kidney disease., Agharazii M, Richard DE, Mac-Way F, St-Hilaire J, Ung RV, Gauthier-Bastien A, Larivière R, 2017, 10.1097/hjh.0000000000001161
- Twenty-Four-Hour Central (Aortic) Systolic Blood Pressure: Reference Values and Dipping Patterns in Untreated Individuals., Mohsen Agharazii, Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2021, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.121.17765
- The impact of warfarin on the rate of progression of aortic stiffness in hemodialysis patients: a longitudinal study., Agharazii M, Lebel M, Larivière R, Desmeules S, Douville P, Marquis K, De Serres SA, Utescu MS, Poulin A, Mac-Way F, 2014, 10.1093/ndt/gfu224
- Arterial stiffness and dialysis calcium concentration., , International journal of nephrology, 2011, 10.4061/2011/839793
- Age-related and blood pressure-independent reduction in aortic stiffness after kidney transplantation, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/hjh.0b013e32833f5e68
- Uric acid association with pulsatile and steady components of central and peripheral blood pressures., , Journal of hypertension, 2018, 10.1097/hjh.0000000000001573
- Individual versus integration of multiple components of central blood pressure and aortic stiffness in predicting cardiovascular mortality in end-stage renal diseases, Mohsen Agharazii, János Nemcsik, Louis-Charles Desbiens, Catherine Fortier, Nadège Côté, Journal of Human Hypertension, 2024, 10.1038/s41371-023-00888-w
- Screening Rates for Primary Aldosteronism Among Individuals With Hypertension Plus Hypokalemia: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study., Mohsen Agharazii, Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2021, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.121.18118
- Individual Components of Central Blood Pressure and Aortic Stiffness versus the Integration of Multiple Components in Predicting Cardiovascular Mortality in End-Stage Renal Disease, János Nemcsik, Louis-Charles Desbiens, Catherine Fortier, Nadège Côté, Mohsen Agharazii, 2023, 10.21203/rs.3.rs-3170711/v1
- Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 plays a role in phosphate-induced vascular smooth muscle cell calcification., Richard DE, Agharazii M, Cornfield DN, Gobeil S, Lamalice L, Larivière R, Mokas S, 2016, 10.1016/j.kint.2016.05.020
- Determinants of progression of aortic stiffness in hemodialysis patients: a prospective longitudinal study., Agharazii M, Boutouyrie P, Lebel M, Desmeules S, Larivière R, Marquis K, De Serres SA, Mac-Way F, Couture V, Utescu MS, 2013, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.113.01200
- Subclinical Primary Aldosteronism and Cardiovascular Health: A Population-Based Cohort Study, Rémi Goupil, Marcel Ruzicka, Swapnil Hiremath, Manish M. Sood, Siegfried Wassertheurer, Bernhard Hametner, Tim Ramsay, Julie L.V. Shaw, Andrew M. Crean, Marie-Eve Piché, Eric Larose, Gregory A. Kline, Alexander A. Leung, Jenifer M. Brown, Anand Vaidya, François Madore, Mohsen Agharazii, Gregory L. Hundemer, Circulation, 2024, 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.066389
- Aortic-Brachial Pulse Wave Velocity Ratio: A Blood Pressure-Independent Index of Vascular Aging., Agharazii M, Mac-Way F, De Serres SA, Marquis K, Desjardins MP, Sidibé A, Fortier C, 2017, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.116.08409
- Blood Pressure Measurement in Severely Obese Patients: Validation of the Forearm Approach in Different Arm Positions., , American journal of hypertension, 2019, 10.1093/ajh/hpy152
- Linezolid-Associated Acute Interstitial Nephritis and Drug Rash With Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) Syndrome, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2009.07.013
- Reduction of Arterial Stiffness After Kidney Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis., , Journal of the American Heart Association, 2017, 10.1161/jaha.117.007235
- Sodium and urea excretion as determinants of urine output in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease patients on V2 receptor antagonists: impact of dietary intervention, Mohsen Agharazii, Simon Desmeules, Christine Lacroix, Paul René de Cotret, Fabrice Mac-Way, Lori Asselin-Thompstone, Gabrielle Côté, International Urology and Nephrology, 2020, 10.1007/s11255-020-02384-3
- Accuracy Difference of Noninvasive Blood Pressure Measurements by Sex and Height., Mohsen Agharazii, JAMA network open, 2022, 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.15513
- Neutralization of transforming growth factor-b attenuates hypertension and prevents renal injury in uremic rats, , 1911, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01.hjh.0000182521.44440.c5
- Gemella sanguinis endocarditis with c-ANCA/anti-PR-3-associated immune complex necrotizing glomerulonephritis with a 'full-house' pattern on immunofluorescence microscopy., Desmeules S, Agharazii M, Garceau D, Desjardins A, Riopel J, Rousseau-Gagnon M, 2013, 10.1093/ckj/sft030
- Biomarkers of inflammation, fibrosis, cardiac stretch and injury predict death but not renal replacement therapy at 1 year in a Canadian chronic kidney disease cohort., CanPREDDICT Investigators, Djurdjev O, Tang M, Clase CM, Holmes D, Muirhead N, Madore F, Barrett B, Rigatto C, Levin A, 2014, 10.1093/ndt/gft479
- FGF23-klotho axis, bone fractures, and arterial stiffness in dialysis: a case-control study., , Osteoporosis international : a journal established as result of cooperation between the European Foundation for Osteoporosis and the National Osteoporosis Foundation of the USA, 2018, 10.1007/s00198-018-4598-2
- An Adjustable Dalteparin Sodium Dose Regimen for the Prevention of Clotting in the Extracorporeal Circuit in Hemodialysis: A Clinical Trial of Safety and Efficacy (the PARROT Study)., , Canadian journal of kidney health and disease, 2018, 10.1177/2054358118809104
- Pulse Wave Velocity and Prognosis in End-Stage Kidney Disease., , Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), 2018, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.118.10930
- Wnt/β-catenin pathway inhibitors, bone metabolism and vascular health in kidney transplant patients, Fabrice Mac-Way, Mohsen Agharazii, Richard Kremer, Roth-Visal Ung, Marie-Pier Desjardins, Catherine Fortier, Aboubacar Sidibé, Yue-Pei Wang, Journal of Nephrology, 2023, 10.1007/s40620-022-01563-y
- Radial-digital pulse wave velocity: a noninvasive method for assessing stiffness of small conduit arteries., , American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology, 2021, 10.1152/ajpheart.00551.2020
- Reply., Mohsen Agharazii, Journal of hypertension, 2022, 10.1097/hjh.0000000000003013
- Prediction and validation of the duration of hemodialysis sessions for the treatment of acute ethylene glycol poisoning., Agharazii M, Douville P, Julien AS, De Serres SA, Desmeules S, Mac-Way F, Bégin Y, Ghannoum M, Lachance P, Iliuta IA, 2017, 10.1016/j.kint.2017.02.018
- What added value does ambulatory blood pressure monitoring brings to the management of post renal transplantation hypertension?, , Revista medico-chirurgicala a Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti din Iasi, 2003
- Aortic-brachial stiffness mismatch and mortality in dialysis population., Agharazii M, Boutouyrie P, Lebel M, De Serres SA, Marquis K, Desmeules S, Mac-Way F, Fortier C, 2015, 10.1161/hypertensionaha.114.04587
- Inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species as mediators of chronic kidney disease-related vascular calcification., Richard DE, Larivière R, Mokas S, Ung RV, Gautier-Bastien A, St-Louis R, Agharazii M, 2015, 10.1093/ajh/hpu225
Contribution à l'enseignement aux cycles supérieurs
Étudiant(e)s dirigé(e)s*
Depuis 2009- Audrey Drapeau - Doctorat - En cours
- Nadège Côté - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
- Niloofar Ziasaeedi - Doctorat - En cours
- Sanam Khataei - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
- Amira Tairi - Maîtrise avec mémoire - En cours
- Kaveh Jafari - Doctorat - En cours
- Catherine Fortier - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2012/09
- Alexandra Gauthier Bastien - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2014/01
- Yue Pei Wang - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2019/09
- Mathilde Paré - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2023/09
- Charles-Antoine Garneau - Maîtrise avec mémoire - 2023/09
Encadrement d'étudiant(e)s
Direction de recherche dans les domaines suivants :
- Épidémiologie
- Kinésiologie
- Sciences cliniques et biomédicales
- Médecine moléculaire
En savoir plus sur les programmes
Disponibilité d'encadrement d'étudiant(e)s
Ce (cette) professeur(e) est présentement à la recherche d'étudiant(e)s.
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